
19 Jun 2013|Noida | Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences actively participates in a Panel Discussion titled “Mind of a Rapist” organized by Menzhealth Institute at India Habitat Centre

Menzhealth Institute in association Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences – Amity University organized a Panel Discussion titled “Mind of a Rapist” at Stein Auditorium, Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Around 22 faculty members from Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences alongwith psychologists, students from Apollo Hospitals actively participated in the Panel Discussion.

Ms. Nafisa Ali – Social Activist; Prof. Aruna Broota – Clinical Psychologist; Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Saxena, Urologist & Andrologist – Menzhealth  Institute; Prof. Abha Singh, Director – Amity Institute of Psychology & Applied Sciences; Dr. Neatu Narang – Psychiatrist were part of the panel.

The session was moderated by Ms. Richa – Radio Jockey, Fever 104 FM.

While opening the discussion, Prof. (Dr.) Ajit Saxena, Urologist & Andrologist – Menzhealth  Institute said that after the Nirbhaya incident of December 18, 2012, the society at large has been undergoing tremendous turmoil. News of similar incident are coming from all over the country and public is demanding capital punishment for the rapists. But this is not a solution; one can not sit idle and watch the situation. We all need to be proactive and have to prevent all these happening in our street. Dr. Saxena said that most of us are God fearing, honest and sincere, it is only few bad fishes which are spoiling the image of India.

Ms. Nafisa Ali – Social Activist said that problem of rapist is global and not just for India. We should realize as panelists, media, audience that perpetrators of crime to be watched. Parents need to be vigilant of their surroundings. Ms. Ali said that we culturally allow the boys to do whatever they want and draws lakshman rekha for girls. There is a need to make people responsible and conscience. Ms. Ali said that government is doing its work by making stringent laws; police is also changed in their attitude; now we all have to be actively involved in checking these entire incidents happening at our home and neighborhood.

Displaying her concern on the increase in rape cases in India, Prof. Abha Singh, Director – Amity Institute of Psychology & Applied Sciences said that rape is growing as cancerous and it is the joint responsibility of all of us in the society to moderate the things. Prof. Singh said that most offenders suffer from feeling of dissatisfaction, isolation. It is not as obvious as cold or cough; one has to know the psychology of the offender. We have to understand why such person is so disturbed that he can rape and kill someone. Prof. Singh said that we all are responsible persons and have to find ways to curb and prevent it at early age. Prof. Singh said that there is a need to have mother’s program so that they are more emotionally healthy and have their child also emotionally happy. Prof. Singh said that according to a report, 68% of the rapists have difficult childhood. One can not wait for government to handle every thing, society should come forward. We have to strengthen the erosion of family values. We have to relook and strengthen our culture.

While sharing the data of rape by National Crime Record Dr. Neatu Narang – Psychiatrist said that almost 92% offenders were someone victim knew very well in which around 36% were neighbors and around 8% were relatives of victim. Almost 58% of victims were of  the age group of 18-30 years. Most of the rapists have committed atleast 4 rapes before being caught. These rapists have intrinsic hatred towards women. Dr. Narang said that different personality disorders like anti-social disorder, absence of remorse, lack of credibility were seen in the convicts. Prevalence rate of 30% of personality disorder is found in rapists. Depicting the relation between alcohol and rape, Dr Narang said that around 92% of criminals, immediately prior to act have indulged in alcohol abuse.

Prof. Aruna Broota – Clinical Psychologist said that whenever there is behavior issue and if they are referred to a psychiatrist, their relatives says that the persons is not mad and will not go for treatment. Only disease which is associated with psychiatrist is madness. Prof. Broota said that than what is the mechanism to find and treat the person having intention to sexually harm woman. Prof. Broota raised an important question as to why all the emphasis is targeted for persons above 18 years of age and why not school going child. One has to look at the environment from where rapist has come, opines Prof. Broota.

Ms. Richa – Radio Jockey, Fever 104 FM opened the house for active discussion from where many suggestions, queries and observation were brought forward. One of the audience member Ms. Saroj Yadav from NCERT said that they are planning to introduce adolescent education which will be part of teachers training. Ms. Savita Mehta, Vice President – Amity Group raised an important observation that police should also be sensitized while dealing cases of rape, child abuse and sexual harrasment. Ms. Chandra, teacher from Government School said that we have to follow the teachings of ancient sculptures and should encourage children to take part in meditation, yoga in home and schools. Mr Ramesh from Pharma Company suggested that a centre should be opened for public where any frustrated or disturbed person can seek guidance and counseling. The outcome of all the discussion was that “Each one Teach one and not to be scared and report the incident immediately”