
04 Apr 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Tribute To Charles Dickens, Amity Organizes One-Day National Seminar on ‘Dickens: Beyond The Ages’

Sir Charles Dickens is much loved for his great contribution to classic English literature. He was the quintessential greatest author of the Victorian period. Dickens enjoyed a wider popularity than had any previous author during his lifetime.

To commemorate and celebrate the Bicentenary Birth Anniversary of Charles Dickens (1812-2012), Amity Institute of English Studies & Research (AIESR) & Amity Institute of Corporate Communication (AICC), in association with College English Teachers Association (CETA), CCS University, Meerut organized One day National Seminar on “Dickens Beyond the Ages” at Amity University, Sector 125, Noida.

The Seminar was inaugurated by Dr. P.K. Jain, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly, Prof. Badri Raina, Department of English, Delhi University, Dr. Vikas Sharma, D. Litt., Associate Professor & Head DAV PG College, Department of English, Bulandshahar & Secretary CETA and Dr. D.C. Mittal, Founder President, CETA

H.A. Arfi, IAS (Retd.), Director and Head - Amity Institute of English Studies & Research & Amity Institute of Corporate Communication highlighted the work of all the eminent professors present during the seminar and their contribution to the world of literature. He specifically highlighted about the realism and symbolism of Dickens’ works and stated him as a social reformer.

Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Pro Vice Chancellor (A), Amity University highlighted the relevance of literature which cuts across all national boundaries and brings people together thereby developing finer human sensibilities and teaching ethics which is the very basis of humanistic world.

Chief Guest Dr. P.K. Jain, Formerly Dean Faculty of Arts, Rohilkhand University, Bareilly presented an overview of Sir Charles Dickens’ life and his most popular works. According to Dr. Jain, Dickens’ literary works were quite influenced by the economic state of England at that time as well as incidents from his own life. He remarked that the meaning of realism has changed over time and today, one cannot analyze Dickens’ work without referring to the different shades of realism. Dr. Jain gave an in-depth analysis of one of the most popular Dickens’ novel ‘David Copperfield’, through which Dickens apparently targeted the education system, and beautifully outlined how a teacher can affect the mindset of a child, citing the example of Mr. Creakle whose extensive use of his cane made quite an impression on young David. Dr. Jain concluded his address by paying tribute to one of the greatest novelist till date, and complimenting Dickens’ style of literally painting his characters with his words.

Professor Badri Raina, Delhi University, shared his undisputed knowledge of Sir Dickens. Professor Raina gave a detailed analysis of the economic scenario of England and Europe, which led Dickens to write the way he did. According to Professor Raina, one who is equipped with the quality of criticizing oneself as well as other issues, may be known as a great writer. Dickens meticulously incorporated aspects of social and economic issues in his work which made him a ‘people’s friend’. Prof. Raina revealed that the legendary novel ‘David Copperfield’ was originally supposed to be Dickens’ autobiography, but since his childhood included too many miseries, he changed the thought, but did include incidents as well as characters from his life.

Dr. D.C. Mittal, Founder President, CETA expressed his gratitude to Amity University for providing CETA a platform for intellectual interaction between CCS University, Meerut and Amity University.

The inauguration was followed by four sessions chaired by Prof.(Dr.) Chandra Mohan, Retd. Delhi University and member of the DRC Committee AUUP, Dr. D.C. Mittal, Founder President, CETA, Dr. Dhanajay Singh of Centre of English Studies, JNU and Dr. Vikas Sharma, D. Litt., Associate Professor & Head DAV PG College, Department of English, Bulandshahar & Secretary CETA.

The seminar was attended by over 150 participants including research scholars and students. The delegates presented their papers on different aspects of Life and Works of Sir Charles Dickens.