
21 Feb 2012|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

Amity Institute of Nanotechnology organises seminar on Nanoscience Advances At The Interface Of Biomedicine & Technology

A seminar on Nanoscience Advances At The Interface Of Biomedicine & Technology, was inaugurated by Prof.(Dr.) Giuseppe Tritto, MD, Brunel University, UK, organized by Amity Institute of Nanotechnology, at Amity University, Noida.

The seminar focused on the scope of nanotechnology in the coming years and its application in medical sciences. The seminar aimed at highlighting how crucial a role nanotechnology can play for the well being of humans.

Prof. Sujoy K. Guha, from IIT Kharagpur explained, that Nanotechnology have diverse applications. He referred to a recent example of the Dam at the Kosi River, posing as a possible flood threat in Bihar. Conventional solutions by engineers have failed to bring about any progress in the condition of the dam, due to which possible solutions are being researched in nanotechnology to solve this problem. Nanotechnology can become a boon for the humankind, if used appropriately. He also mentioned that Amity University faces greater prospects in the future, as it offers its students the right exposure, and is participating in the benefit of society.

Prof. (Dr.)Giuseppe Tritto, MD, Brunel University, UK, in his inaugural lecture, briefed the gathering about the bright future of nanotechnology and what a great contribution it makes to the world. Dr. Tritto relates nanotech not only to science but to the society as well. He excerpts that knowledge has become the driving force of our economy. Nanotech can be teamed with almost every branch of science in order to innovate and shape a better future. Since its applications are varied, the need for creativity increases. The three major sectors, Nano-technology, Bio-technology and Information Technology lack an interface to combine them. The need of the hour is to converge these and benefit the human kind.

Nanotechnology is being used in Micro-physics as well. In terms of biology, infrared is now being used to perform surgeries, which helps in easier and more exact detection of foreign particles in the human body. He also mentioned, in brief about MIMIS technology, thermic micro sensors, sperm micro-labs, human spermatozoon scaling factor, the change in models of economy and the advanced electronic technology.

Dr. D.K. Avasthi, Scientist ‘H’- Inter University Accelerator Center, threw light on the specific applications of Nano- science in Bio-Medicine. Bio sensors, by ultra sensitivity are used to detect diseases at an early stage, after which Nano technology is used for drug delivery and Radio sensitization. Nano particles are mostly applied by internalization of Gold (Au) particles. The SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) and SERS ( Surface enhanced Raman scattering) bio sensors are used for biomedical purposes. Various experiments have been performed using the HeLa cell, i.e. the cervical cancer cell to know the applications of Nano particles for the medical sciences. The Raman scattering is used mainly for detection of cancer cells. Attempts are being made to treat these cancer cells using Nano particles treated with gold particles. Various approaches are being made to eliminate malignant tumor, but mainly the drugs are being attached to gold Nano-particles, which act as a carrier to reach the tumor cell. The cancer cells are then eliminated by heating the Nano-particles through SPR, averred Dr. Avasthi.

Several academicians, researches and scientists working in the area of bio technology and Nano technology like, Dr. Amit Kumar Dinda, Prof- Department of Pathology, AIIMS, Dr. Shalini Gupta, Asst. Prof.- Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi, Dr. Sweta Singh, Scientist D-INMAS Delhi, Ms. Alice Karoubi Nordon, Lawyer-Paris, shared their research work with the students and encouraged them to innovate in this field as it is still a sleeping giant and in it lies a plethora of opportunities for a new future.