
14 Oct 2011|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125 Noida

France Day organized at Amity to promote educational ties between India and France

France follows a proactive policy of student mobility and provides numerous opportunities of academic excellence to promising students worldwide. France currently hosts around 2000 Indian youths each year. With 40% growth in the first quarter of 2011, the number of students would well go beyond the 2500 figure mark.

In order to disseminate information regarding academic courses offered in France, ways to finance them and to avail opportunities available in France in terms of employment, Amity University in association with CampusFrance celebrated “French Day” for the students at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

CampusFrance is a Government agency functioning under the aegis of the Embassy of France in India to promote French higher education.

Sharing his views with the gathering, Mr. Max Claudet- Counsellor for Culture and Cooperation, Embassy of France in India thanked Amity University for hosting French day Celebrations. Sharing the ways to strengthen Indo- France ties, Mr. Claudet said that there is a need to develop long term relationship between the higher educational institutions of India and France. More and more Indian students should go to France and more and more French students should come to India for pursuing higher education. Talking about French Day, Mr. Claudet said that French Day is a project to showcase French higher education along with a glimpse to French culture in the form of theatre, cuisine and music. Mr. Claudet further informed that counsellors of 20 prestigious French Schools participating in the French Day celebrations will solve the doubts and queries of the students who want to take up higher studies in France, suggesting them ways to finance their studies and scholarships given by various educational institutions of France. He called upon Indian students to allay their fears of staying and studying in non- English speaking country, France since the culture of France is supportive to foreign students and the environment is very congenial and friendly for studies.

Welcoming the distinguished members from French Embassy and representatives of various educational institutions from France, Maj Gen K J Singh- Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh said that it is a matter of great privilege for Amity to host such vital information and cultural exchange, which will build a close bond between Amity University and Educational Institutions of France. This bond will accrue a range of mutual benefits such as student and faculty exchange, joint research programmes, joint conferences and seminars. Maj Singh further highlighted the MoUs which Amity has already signed with well renowned French Instituitions such as Ecole D’Ingenieurs de Purpan in Toulousse, Vatel International Business School, L’ University Lumiere Lyon, ISUGA--- Institut de Management Europe- Asie, France and ECOLE International Des Science DE L’INFORMATION. Maj Gen K J Singh expressed the hope more MoUs will be signed by Amity with French Institutions, thereby strengthening the bond between India and France.

Also present during the inauguration were distinguished members from French Embassy including Mr. Thiery Robert- Deputy Cultural Counsellor, Mr. Philippe Cadene- Attache for Scientific and University Cooperation, Mr. Renauld Vely- Deputy Attache University Cooperation, Mr. Daniel Rignault- Attache for Cooperation in Education, French Language and Education Section, Mr. Bedojyoti Bhattacharjee- National Coordinator, CampusFrance India, Ms. Golda Malhotra- Education Advisor, CampusFrance India and others.

20 Prestigious French Schools had set up their information centres during the day such as Alliance Française of Delhi (Learning French), ISA – Lille (Food Technology), IESEG (Management Studies), Groupe des Ecoles des Mines(7 prestigious French Engineering Schools), Institut Telecom (6 French Communications Technologies Schools, Ecole Centrale Paris(Engineering Schools), Grenoble Graduate School of Business (Study in English, while in France), ESIGELEC(Engineering programs taught in English), Vatel International Business School(Hotel, Tourism and Engineering Schools), Ecole Centrale d’Electronique (ECE) Graduate School of Engineering, Istituto Marangoni-the Fashion School and others.

Hundreds of Amity students thronged the information centres of French higher educational institutions and posed a volley of questions to the counsellors ranging from selection criteria to admission tests, dates of the commencement of admission and dates for the commencement of classes, mode of instruction in classes, residential facilities etc.

The afternoon was interspersed with several attractive events such as Tombola, Quiz on France, Exhibition, Conferences and Debates in which students from various institutes of Amity zealously participated.

The popular comedy film “L’Arnacoeur” with English subtitles was screened for the students and faculty members of Amity. The comedy was well appreciated by everyone.

The day culminated with a fête, wherein French DJ rocked the crowd with the latest French songs and enjoyed French cuisine to the hilt.