
11 Oct 2011|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Academicians from 21 US Universities visit Amity University to discuss potential areas of collaboration

A high powered delegation comprising of 35 members representing 21 US Universities and Institutions visited Amity University to mull over the potential areas of collaboration. These representatives are on a visit to India,organized by US Commercial Service- US Department of Commerce in partnership with the United States India Educational Foundation (USIEF) as part of U.S. Education Mission to India.

The delegation included West Virginia University, University of Southern California- Viterbi School of Engineering,University of Pennsylvania, University of Oregon,University of Illinois Springfield, University of Houston - Clear Lake, Southern New Hampshire University, Savannah College of Art and Design, Montana State University, Long Island University, Life University, LeTourneau University, Hofstra University School of Law, Georgia Southern University, Dowling College, Dickinson State University, Columbus State University, Ball State University and others

The delegation was received by Dr. Gurinder Singh- Director General, Amity International Business School and Pro VC (I) Amity University, Uttar Pradesh

Welcoming the delegates, Dr. B Shukla- Pro Vice Chancellor (A), Amity University, Uttar Pradeshsaid that it’s a proud moment for Amity to host a galaxy of global education leaders from pan US .Sharing her views on the rapidly changing global economy, Dr. Shukla said that with globalization and receding geographical boundaries, business is no longer limited to one country, as a result of which it has become very important for professionals to be globally competent. “Tie-ups between various educational institutions across the globe help in fostering cross- cultural sensitivity in the future professionals, which is the need of the hour, “remarked Dr. Shukla

Sharing his views, Mr. Matt Baker- Senior International Trade Specialist, Tucson U. S Export Assistance Centre said that the 21 US Universities and Institutions, under the mission of Educational Exchange promoted by the Government of US and India, want to explore and value the unique opportunities of collaboration available in India and averred that the universities look forward to the long term sustainable and fruitful association with Amity especially in the areas of student recruitment, faculty and student exchange programs and develop educational collaborative initiatives

Referring to the joint Knowledge initiative between the Governments of India and US, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group said that as per the initiative, US is making best efforts to promote partnerships between institutions of higher learning of both countries by developing synergy between their researchers, scholars, technocrats and academicians. Dr. Chauhan remarked that the amalgamation of the best of East and West can produce Super human beings, which the coming century demands. Highlighting the potential areas of collaboration, Dr. Chauhan said that in order to develop a sustainable relationship with US Universities areas such as faculty exchange, student exchange, credit transfers, joint conferences, joint research, , joint Phd’s could be considered for collaboration. Dr. Ashok K Chauhan also announced the launch of Amity –US 21 Universities Knowledge Grid under which the identified Senior Directors and Head of the Institutions will work to strengthen the mutual cooperation and association with 21 US Universities in diverse areas

Mr. Pat Cassidy- Commercial Officer, US Commercial Service revealed that 21 US Universities that visited Amity represent a cross section of America’s higher education institutions and academic programs and a graduate from any of these Universities is capable of carving out a successful life in US. He applauded the academic rigor and richness of India by quoting “ Takshila” and “ Nalanda” as the greatest centers of learning and excellence and expressed his delight in visiting Amity University which is catapulting the education scenario of India.

Identifying and expressing the potential areas of collaboration with Amity University, Ms. Kamala Dontamsetti- Director of International Recruitment and Admissions, Ball State University said that Ball University is looking for collaboration in the areas of Natural Sciences, Business and Bio-technology and shared that by the end of October, 2011, a general MoU would be signed between both the Universities, which will entail that undergraduate students from identified disciplines of Amity University can undertake short term courses in Ball State University and vice versa from 2012 onwards

The eminent members that formed the part of the delegation included Mr. David Burge- Executive Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Arizona State University, Dr. Chell Roberts- Executive Dean and Professor, College of Technology and Innovation, Arizona State University, Ms. Kamala Dontamsetti- Director of International Recruitment and Admissions, Ball State University, Mr. Adam Johnson- Assistant Director, Centre for International Education, Columbus State University, Mr. Sridhar Sitharaman- Director of Institutional Research, Columbus State University, Ms. Ronnie Walker- Director of the Centre for Multicultural Affairs, Dickinson State University, Mr. Ron Jones- Manager, International Recruitment, Georgia Southern University and others