
30 Jan 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Nobel Laureate Dr. Takaaki Kajita -a Japanese Physicist interacts with the students of Amity

Dr. Takaaki Kajita, Nobel Laureate delivered a lecture on “Discovery of Neutrino Oscillations” for the students and faculty members at Amity University Campus,Sector-125, Noida.

Dr. Takaaki Kajita is a Japanese Physicist, known for Neutrino experiments at the Kamiokande and its successor, Super-Kamiokande. In 2015, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Canadian Physicist Arthur B. McDonald.

Welcoming the distinguished guest and introducing him to the audience, Dr. W Selvamurthy- President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation commended the landmark and path breaking research carried on by the distinguished Nobel Laureate. He stressed that the visit of the Nobel Laureate is at a very opportune time when India and Japan are strengthening their partnerships in various areas such as infrastructural development, Science and Technology,critical Defense. He shared that Amity is looking forward to extend the bandwidth of friendship between India and Japan and opening Amity International School and Amity University very soon in Japan. He called upon the students to take inspiration from the Nobel Laureate and aspire for a Nobel Prize for India.

Delivering the intellectual lecture, Dr. Takaaki Kajita, Nobel Laureate outlined how he discovered Neutrino Oscillations, Atmospheric Neutrino Deficit and importance of small Neutrino Mass. Talking about his work which brought him the honor of Nobel Prize, he outlined that Neutrinos are fundamental particles like electrons, which are produced during cosmic interactions in the atmosphere. He stressed that in April 1996, Super Kamiokande Neutrino Detector- Neutrino observatory was constructed underground in the Mozumi Mine in Hida's Kamioka area to study Neutrino oscillations. He highlighted that he along with other members of the Super-Kamiokande Group further researched on the entire phenomena with the help of Super-Kamiokande detector which finally led to the discovery of Neutrino Oscillations in 1998 and concluded that Neutrinos have mass, which is not zero. This discovery refuted the existing conventional theories of Physicists about Neutrons.

Addressing the students of Amity International Schools present during the occasion,he shared that right from high school level, he had interest in Physics and heal ways found it interesting and fascinating. He stressed that he was always inclined towards experimental physics and decided to become a Scientist eventually.

Talking about his fascination to work in the field of Neutrino Mass with the students,the Nobel Laureate highlighted that during Big Bang in the Universe, particles and anti-particles were generated but in present day universe, only matter particles are observed. This mystery, he stressed, motivated him to study particle physics and .undertake his award winning research.

He motivated the students to keep doing research in newer areas and explore ways to better the existing research.