
21 Jan 2018|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Former Advisor to India's National Security Council emphasizes on creating more vibrant, dynamic and relevant United Nations for betterment of the world during AMIMUN– 2018

To make students abreast with serious global issues and to familiarize them with the workings of the United Nations Organization, Amity University Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with the United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan organized 7th Amity International Model United Nations (AMIMUN–2018) Conference on the theme of “Ignition for Tomorrow” which concluded at Amity University Noida Campus.

Over 400 Delegates from 51 Colleges across the globe including United Kingdom,Morocco, Brazil, Egypt, Russia, Nepal, Afghanistan, Mauritius, India and South Sudan had participated in the International Conference wherein they gained knowledge about the art of Diplomacy, International relations and the working of United Nations.

Dr. Brahma Chellaney, Former Advisor to India's National Security Council; Mr. Derk Segaar, Director, United Nations Information Centre for India and Bhutan and Ambassador Manju Seth, Retired Career Diplomat from the Indian Foreign Service graced the valedictory ceremony.

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Brahma Chellany said that the United Nations Organization was set up with great expectations for playing an important role in resolving International disputes but over a period of time, it has become increasingly marginalized. He shared it is need of the hour to create a more vibrant, dynamic and relevant United Nations for betterment of the world. Dr. Chellany further apprised about two major mistakes made by India in the early years after Independence including Internationalizing of Kashmir issue at UN assembly which resulted in partial loss of the state and secondly, spurning the offer of being the permanent member of UN Security Council twice. He lamented that the cost of previous mistakes made by then ruling governments are thereafter, borne by the future generations.

Sharing her views, Ambassador Manju Seth said that at present, world is in the midst of rapid transition involving new alliances between countries. She stressed that International relations are redefined and balance of power is gradually shifting towards East. She mentioned that the world is now looking towards East Countries, especially India, to have solutions with fresh perspective. Ambassador Seth advised the students to be well informed and think originally as world is dependent on them for a peaceful tomorrow.

Mr. Derk Segaar emphasized that to tackle global issues, the world needs to come together and deliberate upon mutually beneficial solutions.

Speaking during the occasion, Dr. (Prof.)Gurinder Singh, Group Vice Chancellor, Amity Universities said that in the era of globalization with high competition in every sector, it is important for youth to be acquainted with world issues. He apprised that participation in such conferences aid in building interest towards research as well as enhances leadership and diplomatic skills of an individual. Dr. Singh further added these skills would be helpful to the students throughout their professional journey.

Sharing his views, Participant Sparsh Garg from Punjab Engineering College said that it has been a knowledgeable experience that helped him have a global vision about differences in opinions, culture sand ideas.

AMIMUN’18 witnessed the simulation of 8 conventional committees – SPECPOL (Special Political and Decolonisation Committee), IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), UNICEF(UN International Children's Emergency Fund), WTO (World Trade Organisation),UNSC (United Nations Security Council), WHSR (White House Situation Room) and NASA-SpaceX Bilateral Meet.

The agendas of the committees included "MARS 2022: Formulating a new mission plan for Mining and Utilisation of Resources in Space on the Martian Territory”, "Negotiations to further liberalize trade on non-agriculture market access", "Accountability for the atrocities committed by the UN Peacekeeping Forces", "Discussing implementation of nuclear safeguards in the Middle East" and "The protection of indigenous minority groups"