
10 Jan 2018|Noida | Amity University Noida Campus

National Youth Day –“ YOUNGMANCH-Panel Discussion”

The best brains of the Nation maybe found onthe last benches of the classroom and these minds took the stage when Amity Institute of Education and Amity Institute of Behavioral andAllied Sciences came together to celebrate the birth of SwamiVivekananda by organizing ‘YOUNGMANCH’ under the guidance of Prof.( Dr.) Alka Muddgal, Head AmityInstitute of Education. 

The event commenced with a welcome address ofChief Guest Speaker Dr. Devashis Mukherjee, member Ramakrishnan Mission by Dr.Harish Tyagi , Offg. Head , AIBAS

Dr. Devashis Mukherjee opened the house fordiscussion by lightning the lamp and graced the occasion with his auspiciouspresence under which the panelists from different institutes of AmityUniversity (AIRS, ALS, AISS, AIASR ) were all ready to begin the discussion withgreat enthusiasm and understanding in the event. 

There were four topics thatwere discussed including “Understanding youth migration: opportunitiesand risks”, “Youth’s perspective on human values”, “Digital India and Youth”,and “Youth aspirations towards nation development”.The young panelists flipped the pages of the past and presentto share their perspectives in a vivid manner.

The discussion was concluded by the lectureof Dr. Mukherjee who threw light on the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and highlighted the need of strength and selflessness in the youth to manage thedisruptions around them in order to revoke the lost identity of us as apowerful country and a resourceful society.

The challenge for the youth is to explore andgrapple with the changes and problems persisting in the society and this willtake us to the great tomorrow. Dr. Mukherjee was felicitated by a token ofgratitude by Dr. Harish Tyagi.