
15 Dec 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Conclusion of Dari Language Course Course for the serving Officers, JCOs & NCOs of the Indian Army at Amity University

“Amity Institute of Education &Training (AIET) for Defence Forces” (AIET) conducted a prestigious three months Dari Language(spoken in Afghanistan) Course for the serving Officers, JCOs & NCOs of theIndian Army from 18 Sep 2017 onwards, which concluded today at Amity UniversityCampus, Sector-125, Noida. This Course was conducted through a NativeInstructor and attended by 21 Army personnel comprising of 02 Officers, 03 JCOsand 16 NCOs.

Lt Gen S K Gadeock, AVSM (Retd),Commandant, AIET welcomed all on behalf of Dr Ashok K Chauhan, FounderPresident, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation - The Foundation of AmityInstitutions- & Chairman, AKC Group of Companies. He proudly announced thatall the passing out Officers, JCOs & NCOs have done exceedingly well  to  learn the language and have developed  perfect understanding of intricacies ofsounds, tones and pronunciation as spoken by Native persons  in Afghanistan. 

The NativeInstructor, Mr Abdullah, whooriginally belongs to Kabul in Afghanistan, apprised the guests about the pedagogyfollowed by him to teach the finer aspects of the language.

Lt Col Anuradha Sharma, the Course Senior andalso the only Lady Officer in the course, spoke about their experiences onbehalf the batch. She was all praise for the quality of training and theadministrative back up provided to them during the course.

Dr. DS Rathore, Advisor, Amity School ofForeign Languages (ASFL) informed the course participants that In AmityUniversity, to learn a foreign language is compulsory for each student whetherhe is studying Law or Engineering. This is the vision of our Hon’ble FounderPresident which makes Amity Students distinct. He advised them to keeppracticing in order to retain the fluency of speaking in Dari language

Maj Gen K Jai Singh, Principal ChiefAdvisor in Founder President’s Office & Executive Senior Vice President,Ritnand Balved Education Foundation (RBEF), awarded the Certificates to thecourse participants. Special awards of a book each were also given to the JCOs& NCOs who stood at   first, second and third positions in an extemporespeaking competition in Dari Language held during the course.

Maj Gen K Jai Singh (Retd), whileaddressing the course participants complimented them for putting in lot of hardwork to learn the nuances of the language. He said that India and Afghanistan have a strong relationship based onhistorical and cultural links and after the US war on Afghanistan in the year2001 to displace Taliban, India had quickly moved in to undertake manydevelopment projects in Afghanistan. Thus, an ability to become a goodInterpreter in Dari Language will certainly help the course participants intheir career as there is a lot of exchange of Military delegations between thetwo countries.