
10 Nov 2017|Noida | Amity campus, Saket

Amity Institute of Education, Saket, in collaboration with The National Book Trust India, New Delhi organises Seminar on "Books act as Balm"

The National Book Trust India, New Delhi incollaboration with Amity Institute of Education, Saket, New Delhi organizeddaylong National Seminar  on the theme “Books Act as Balm” at the AmityInstitute of Education, SaketNew Delhi.

Giving welcome address, Dr. RanjanaBhatia, Principal cum Director AIE, Saket highlighted thesignificance of books in our lives. She acquainted the audience with the mainpurpose of organizing the seminar to inculcate reading habits in the teachers,so that they can transfer it to the students they handle. She spoke on howbooks can transform lives by its healing effect. As this habit is vanishinginto thin air, how it is essential to focus on this issue in recent times

Ms Mohina Dar, Director of Academics at AmityInternational and Global Schools spoke about the ability of books totranscend geographical and metaphysical boundaries and take the reader into theworld of their own. She discussed the importance of cultivating the habit ofreading for pleasure in schools, which is essential for the holisticdevelopment of the child.

The event was attended by teachers from Amity InternationalSchool, Saket, Amity International School, Pushp Vihar, Amity InternationalSchool, Noida the students of Amity Institute of Education, Noida and Saket,New Delhi.

Mr. Dwijendra Kumar, who is an AssistantEditor at National Book Trust, New Delhi coordinated the event with AmityInstitute of Education. He spoke on the psychological effects of reading andhow it enhances brain power and helps us think more creatively.

 Technical Sessions

The key speakers were Mr Pranav K Singh, Publisherand CEO at Ponytale Books, Dr Kshama Sharma, Former ExecutiveEditor, Nandan Magazine and Mr Prem Pal Sharma, Author andEducationist. Ms Rashi Dubey Mishra, Assistant professor at Amity Institute ofEducation, Saket introduced each of the speakers and their academiccontributions. She then invited them to share their views on the readingculture, the dying art of reading and the soothing effects of books.

During the first session, Mr Pranav K. Singh, spoke onthe Tradition and Future of Books. In his second session, he spoke on Books andSocial Media. He discussed and interacted with audience about their readinghabits and their favorite authors. He concluded by emphasizing on the fact thatit is important to carry the reading tradition forward and also spread it on alarge scale as the art must not die.

The next speaker Dr Kshama Sharma- a well knownshort story writer and former Executive Editor, Nandan Magazine. She spokeabout the Reading Cure and discussed the need and importance of keenobservation to become a successful writer.   

Thetalk ended with a Technical Session with MrPrem Pal Sharma, who is a renowned author and educationist. He discussedthe Role of books in developing life skills and shared his own experiences ofbook reading and the variety of books he has read. He emphasized on howlearning can be made fun and easy with developing reading habits.

Each speaker emphasized on the importance ofReading and the therapeutic effects of Books. There was a question answersession after each lecture.

Thesession ended with Dr Ranjana Bhatia,Principal cum Director, Amity Instituteof Education, New Delhi, extending her vote of thanks to the speakers andthe audience. She added her valuable insights on the theme- Curing Effects ofBooks. She requested the audience to develop their reading habits and helpfoster the same in others.

Theseminar on “Books Act as Balm” emphasizing on enhancing reading habits had aoverall positive impact on the audience.