
21 Jul 2017|Noida | Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences organizes International Conference on “Inclusive Education- strategies for Access, Equity and Opportunity”

AmityInstitute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUP organised International Conferenceon ‘INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - STRATEGIES FOR ACCESS, EQUITY & OPPORTUNITY’ atUniversity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

The guest speaker for the International Conferencewas Dr. Chandrika Devarakonda, Senior Lecturerin the Faculty of Education and Children's Services, University of Chester,United Kingdom.

An eminent personality, Dr. Devarakonda has teaching and research interests around evolvingconcepts and interpretations of Inclusion. She is the Author of the book “Diversity and Inclusion in EarlyChildhood: An Introduction” which covers a wider perspectives of inclusion aswell as articles on a  range of issuessuch as Inclusion, International perspectives of Inclusion, children’s rights and  early childhood. Shehas acted as a reviewer for UNESCO, American Education Research Association(AERA) and various International journals. The sessions taken by Dr. Chandrika Devarakondaduring the Conference focused on Inclusive Education: Strategies for Access-International Perspective andInclusive Education practices for Benchmark Disabilities.

Prof.(Dr.) Jayanti Pujari , Director, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, welcoming the participants said, ‘The primeobjective of the International Conference is to appraise the accessibility issues and feasible solution forparticipation of students with disability in schools, to paraphrase the equitycomponent in promoting Inclusive practices and to reframe the opportunity forfull participation of students with disability in schools. We need to promote,embrace and integrate tenets associated with Inclusive practices in educationmaking Education for All a reality.’

Addressing the gathering, Prof.(Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor , Amity University, Uttar Pradesh said, ‘The Right to Education Actallows the children with special needs to pursue the mainstream education,there is a need that all students, irrespective of their impairment, should beeducated in mainstream schools and Inclusive education addresses this issue.Dr. Shukla emphasized on how Amity University in higher education is giving equal opportunities to differently abled students in all spheres , promoting respect for their social, civil, and educational rights. Weare conscious and committed to our role as agents of social transformation andpromotion of Inclusive development.”

During his address , Dr. J.P Singh , ChairmanAmity Foundation for Developmental Disabilities said, “All children livetogether and learn together. We are the advocates and we have to includechildren with special needs in the Inclusive society. The RPWD Act 2016 is amilestone achievement in the field of Special Education which has emphasisedlargely on Inclusion for All. Dr. Singh motivated the participants to presentand discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practicalchallenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Inclusive andSpecial Education.”

The conference had a ‘Panel Discussion on the Topic ‘InclusiveEducation Rhetoric, Reality and Road Ahead’ wherein eminent panelists were Ms.Valambal Balachandran, Principal , Amity International School, Vasundhara; Ms.Manju Gupta , Principal, Kothari International School ,Noida; Mr. Pramod Kumar,Academic Consultant, Jaypee International School Greater Noida. The sessionwas chaired by Prof. (Dr.) Ranjana Bhatia, Principal, Amity Institute ofEducation, New Delhi shared their views.

The conference saw participation from eminentschools of Delhi-NCR and National Institutes namely Amity International School, Amity Global School- Gurugram,Sprindales School- Pusa Road, Modern School-Vasant Vihar, Delhi PublicSchool-Muzaffar Nagar, Jayepee International School-Greater Noida, Blue BellsSchool- Gurugram, Apex Public School, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Autism Society ofIndia, Kothari International School, RVM College of Special Education-Sonepatand Ali Yavar Jung National Institute Of Speech And Hearing Disabilities(Divyangjan), Noida.

The event was attended by Ms. Pallavi Chauhan ,Joint Director, Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and eminentdignitaries from Amity University.