
11 Nov 2016|Noida | Main Ground

3588 Graduands and from Engineering and Life Sciences domains received their Degrees and Diplomas during second day of Convocation 2016 in Amity University

“YoungGeneration must utilize social media platforms responsibly.” opines Dr. PrannoyRoy, co-founder and co-chairperson of NDTV during Convocation 2016

12th Convocation of AmityUniversity spread over three consecutive days- wherein more than 14,000successfully qualified Graduands of several Programs would receive their UG andPG Degrees, Diplomas, Trophies and Medals for their exceptional performance.

Duringthe second day of convocation, over 3588 Graduands from Engineering and LifeSciences domains received their Degrees and Diplomas. Around 247meritorious Graduands are honored with over Awards including Gold, Silver andBronze Medals, Corporate Awards and Salvers during the ceremony

Themagnificent procession comprising of Trustees of the Board, Senior Members ofthe Management, Head of the Institutions, Departmental Heads and Senior Facultymembers entered the Convocation Hall accompanied by the band of pipers hummingthe traditional celebration song, marking the commencement of the Grand event.

Mr.Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh declared 12thConvocation open.

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh presented a brief report of the University in which shetouched upon key achievements and initiatives that have been taken during theyear 2015-2016. She mentioned that road to success ahead of them is long butjourney would be exciting Dr. Shukla congratulated the graduands and wishedthem luck in their future endeavors.

Blessingthe graduands and addressing them as ‘Most Distinguished Alumni’, Dr. AshokK Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group motivated the students to dreambig with open eyes and encouraged them to instill self-confidence which willhelp them to reach the pinnacle of success. He remarked that Amity’senvironment is enthused with rich Indian values and traditions, ethics andethos and behavioral skills, which makes students not only thoroughprofessionals but also good human beings. Dr. Chauhan urged graduands to imbibehumility and develop a pragmatic approach in their lives which will aid them torun miles on the track of success. He also shared with them the mantra ofsuccess which he lucidly explained through the acronym ‘BHAAG where B stands forBehavioral Science, H stands for Hardwork with Strategy, A for Attitude,another A for Ambition and G for God.

Duringthe convocation, Dr.Ashok K Chauhan and Dr. Atul Chauhan conferred Honorary Doctorate Degree inLiterature upon Dr. Prannoy Roy, co-founder and co-chairperson of NDTV forhis sustained inspirational efforts in innovating and improving content anddelivery of the electronic media.

Expressinghis gratitude for conferring honoris causa upon him, Dr. Prannoy Roywished graduands success as they embark in new life. He mentioned that YoungIndia makes the country proud as global trainers across the world have alwaysappreciated the sincerity and dedication of Indian students and consider themthe best in world. He stressed that young generation are a curious lot, filledwith questions in their system and advised them to not loose this particularquality. He called upon the youth to keep fighting for the democracy which theprevious generation has passed on to them and create something that benefitsthe society as it would be the greatest contribution towards Nation building.Dr Roy narrated his journey from being a CA to a media veteran and advised thegraduands to explore new opportunities and move on with new initiatives oftheir liking.

Dr.Pannoy Roy condemned the trend of abuse and nastiness on social media which hebelieves has resulted in the rise of malicious leadership at many places. Heobjected to the abuse through anonymity and averred that it is important for aperson to share thoughts on various platforms even if they are negative butbeing an anonymous abuser is not correct. He called upon the judiciary to breakthe barrier of anonymity.  “Digital media is a powerful weapon and younggeneration must treat it with respect and responsibility.” opines Dr Roy

Duringthe occasion, Justice Rajesh Tandon, Senior Advocate Supreme Court of India,Former Judge, High Court, Uttarakhand and Ms. Pinky Anand, Sr. Advocate &Addl. Solicitor General of India were conferred Honorary Professorship inAmity Law School.

Acceptingthe honorary professorship, Ms. Pinky Anand expressed her deep gratitudeand said that there is always more to learn and it has no ending. She mentionedthat India has evolved magnificently over the time and lauded Amity for beingpart of the evolution and bringing world class education for Indian students.Ms. Anand pointed out that India has two gems in the from of democracy andfreedom, which every individual should cherish.

Duringhis acceptance speech, Justice Rajesh Tandon said that education is anintegral part of constitution and have been given as a right in terms ofarticle 21. He emphasized that the purpose of Article 21 is achieved withplacement of student. He commended Amity for inculcating the values and senseof living with dignity in its students which is very essential to be asuccessful professional.

During the third day ofconvocation i.e, tomorrow over 4902 Graduands from Humanities, Law, Fashion, Design,Communication domains will receive their Degrees and Diplomas