
02 Nov 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125

Guest Lecture on “Values for Life” by revered Swami Shantatmanda Ji Maharaj, Head of Ramakrishna Mission by Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences in collaboration with Amity Institute of Education

Amity Institute of Behavioral andAllied Sciences in collaboration with Amity Institute of Education organized aGuest Lecture on “Values for Life” by revered Swami Shantatmanda Ji Maharaj,Head of Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi

Thefirst semester students of AIBAS, and AIE attended the guest lecture. Dr.Harish Kumar Tyagi, Head of Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciencesdelivered welcome address.  

Swamijiinteracted with the students and planted new and positive ideas in the minds ofthe students for selecting teaching as a career and the role of a teacher as a“lamp lighter” and not just as a “content giver”. He encouraged the students tolook at the bigger picture of life and place themselves in the larger societalcontext. He emphasized that the responsibility of a teacher is to shape the buddingcitizens of the country, and give society a better direction.

QuotingSwami Vivekananda’s definition of Education, Swamiji stated “Education is themanifestation of the divine perfection already in man” and threw light on theimportance of man-making and character building.  He urged the prospective teachers on the needfor inculcating higher values and evolving as enlightened and awakened citizensand better human beings.

Thelecture was followed by an interactive question-answer session. The studentsexpressed their happiness and evinced interest in participating in suchinspiring and motivational lectures by Swamiji.

TheGuest lecture concluded with the presentation of a Memento to the Guest Speakerby Dr. Harish Kumar Tyagi and the vote of thanks by Prof.(Dr.) Alka Muddgal, Head,Amity Institute of Education.