
26 Sep 2017|Noida | I 2 Moot Court

National Conference on “Food Safety, Nutrition Security and Sustainability” held at Amity

Amity Institute of Food Technology(AIFT) in association with Association of Food Scientists and Technologists(India) (AFST(I)), Delhi organized one day National Conference on “Food Safety,Nutrition Security and Sustainability, AMIFOST - 2017” at Amity UniversityNoida Campus.

Theobjectives of the conference were to discuss the concerns, solutions andstrategies for ensuring food safety, nutrition security; to look at innovationsin Technology for value added food products and practices to meet nutritionalrequirements and to discuss strategies in Agriculture & Food Processing forsustainable food production.

Theevent witnessed the presence of Dr.Chindi Vasudevappa, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, National Institute of FoodTechnology Entrepreneurship and Management NIFTEM, Kundli, Sonipat and Dr.Murli, CRDO,   Mother Dairy Fruit &Vegetable Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.

Welcomingthe guests, Dr. V.K. Modi, Professor& Head of Institution, AIFT said that the Food Technology is gaining afast momentum with an increased demand of processed food products. Heemphasized that in present time, consumers have become conscious and awareabout the importance of Safe, Nutritious and Healthy Food Products. Therefore,to meet the consumer expectations and food requirement, food industry needsideas in the field of food processing, nutrition and sustainability, opined Dr.Modi.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. Chindi Vasudevappasaid that every year, there are 800 million tones of food production in India butthe issue is about the quality of the food consumed. She stressed that themajor concern in the country is also for Food Safety and Nutrition Security asin next 10 years, the country may face water crisis which will subsequentlyaffect the food production. Lamenting on food wastage, she pointed out thatevery year, 2 million tones of food is wasted due to poor management duringvarious stages of farm to fridge. It is important to carefully manage the preand post stages of food production to avoid wastage, she apprised. Dr.Vasudevappa mentioned that the food production in India is lower in comparisonto other nations but it is sufficient to feed the entire population, if foodwastage is managed properly.

Speakingon the occasion, Dr. Murli said thatthe issue of food wastage is at global level which is faced by every country inthe world. He apprised the milk industry is 80 percent unorganized and only 20percent is organized. Dr. Murli stressed that it is important to control thesituation timely, or else by 2030, the industry will get further unorganized.