
28 Apr 2017-29 Apr 2017|Noida | Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi

Two days Teacher Training programme for the Teachers of Bharathi Vidhyalaya School, Gobichettipalayam, Erode, Tamil Nadu “Empowering Teachers in Applied and Pedagogic Skills of Teaching”

Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi under the visionary guidance of our Founder President Dr.Ashok K Chauhan, added a new feather to its endeavours by conducting a two days  Teacher Training programme for eighty teachers of Bharathi Vidhyalaya School, Gobichettipalayam, Erode, Tamil Nadu on the theme  “Empowering Teachers in Applied and Pedagogic Skills of Teaching”

This consultancy was provided by two resource persons from the institute on the invitation of Mr.P.R. Velumani, Chairman of Bharathi Vidhyalaya School, Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu.

The training was inaugurated by Dr. Ranjana Bhatia, Principal, Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi, Mr. P.R. Velumani, Chairman,  Bharathi VidhyalayaSchool and Mrs. P. Amutham, Vice Chairman, Bharathi Vidhyalaya School. This session was followed by the Introductory session in which all the teachers were asked to introduce themselves and give in one word their expectations from this training programme.

The first technical session of this training was on the Applied Skill of Emotional Intelligence and was conducted by Dr. Ranjana Bhatia. The session was introduced through a powerpoint presentation on the theme and several activities were integrated to make the session enjoyable. The activities were thoroughly enjoyed by the teachers and each one of them took part in it with enthusiasm. They were provided with a questionnaire to check their own levels of Emotional Intelligence which they found were effective. Thereafter they were asked to perform group activities to enhance their emotional quotient with their colleagues and perform better as a team.

During the Balloon Tower activity the teachers were extremely coordinated and all displayed good emotional maturity by delegating the tasks and then collecting everything to build the tower. In the end of the session each one of them shared what they felt and how they contributed towards the successful completion of the task by ensuring good team spirit and individual intelligence.

The second session for the training was taken by Mrs. Puneet Rahi, Asst. Prof., Amity Institute of Education, New Delhi on Pedadogic skills of Teaching English. The teachers were trained in the skill of teaching English and acquiring English as well. Through the activities they were made aware of their own teaching competencies and about their overall personality as a human being. The activities also helped them interact with their colleagues and learn about the areas in which they need enhancement as a teacher. The phonetic rhymes and exercises were also enjoyed by the teachers during the closing of the session.

The second day started with the Meditation Session in which the teachers were made to relax and release stress through guided meditation technique followed by Gayatri Mantra and soothing music. All of them looked serene and peaceful during this session.

There after a few of them were invited to present their learning and reflection of the previous day’s sessions. It was very encouraging to hear that each one of them was happy to learn about their levels of Emotional Intelligence and skills as a teacher.They quoted while sharing their experiences that the live examples discussed during the first session on Emotional Intelligence helped them relate it to their real life situations in a concrete manner.

The Third technical session for the training was on “How to teach English through the Theory of Multiple Intelligence”. The session was introduced to the teachers through the means of a power point presentation and there were activities to help teachers find out which types of Intelligence do they possess in the more significantly out of the eight suggested by Howard Gardner in his theory. Role plays were performed by the teacher for each type of Intelligence which is listed in this theory.

The fourth and the final technical session was taken by Dr. Ranjana Bhatia on the theme “Reviving the essence of Indian Culture and Heritage for Teachers”. The session revived our cultural ethos and values and the teachers enjoyed watching various videosdepicting the comparison between the epics of Ramayan and Mahabharat. The nextin line was the theory of Karma and how human existence is dependent on karmicretribution. They prepared Gratitude lists, Gratitude Tree and Gratitude stones to remind themselves and their students each day to be thankful of all that god has given us to live a happy life.

In the Valedictory session, a senior teacher of the school presented the overall experience of the training programme on behalf of all the eighty teachers and the Vice Principal gave the Vote of Thanks. The certificates were then distributed by Mr. Velumani along with Mrs. P. Amutham and Dr. Ranjana Bhatia.