
12 May 2017|Noida | I2 Moot Court

Dr. Mahesh Sharma presents awards to students during Annual Day of Amitasha- a school for the less privileged girl children

In order toprovide an apt platform for showcasing the brilliance and exceptional talents,“Amitasha”, a school for the less privileged girl children run under the aegisof Amity Humanity Foundation, organized “Annual Day” at University Campus,Sector- 125, Noida.


Amitasha, isnot just a social initiative, but a commitment to empower girls with holisticeducation to become worthy citizens of India. It started in the year 2000 withonly 35 girl students and today, there are five Amitasha schools in Delhiand NCR with over 1200 girls enrolled in them who are provided free meals,books, uniforms and health care. The school aims to give wings to the girlchildren for fulfilling their dreams and realizing their potential to thefullest.


Dr.Mahesh Sharma- Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture & Tourism (I/C),Member of Parliament, Gautam Buddha Nagar; Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan-Chairperson, Amity International Schools; Dr. Ashok K Chauhan – FounderPresident, Amity Group; Smt. Sangeeta Jaitley- wife of Finance Minister, Sh.Arun Jaitley; Dr. Sohani Verma- Chairperson, North Zone India RCOG & President,Indian Fertility Society (IFS) and Mr. Lalit Bhasin, President of the Societyof Indian Law Firms and Managing Partner of Bhasin & Co. motivatedthe students with their distinguished presence during the event.

Also presentduring the occasion were Mr. ArunChauhan, Trustee, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, Mr. Anand Chauhan-Trustee, Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, Dr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor,Amity University; Mrs. Pooja Chauhan- Vice Chairperson, Amity HumanityFoundation, Mrs. Divya Chauhan, Chairperson, Amity School of FashionTechnology, Fine Arts and Performing Arts, Ms. Sapna Chauhan- Vice Chairperson,Amiown and Mrs. Jaishree Chauhan were also present during the occasion


Addressingthe gathering, Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that it is not important whathuman beings inherit from their ancestors but it is very important to ponderwhat they would leave behind for coming generations. He stressed that the mostvital contribution to the society is the transformation one could bring intothe lives of others. He opined that instead of asking favors from God; peopleshould believe in giving, which is the real essence of life. Dr. Sharmacommended Amity for nurturing Amitasha girls who would further spread theirvalues and sanskars across the globe. He praised Amity family for theirdedication towards serving the society and appreciated the great philanthropicspirit of Amity.

Dr. Ashok KChauhan expressed his joy and pride over the achievements andaccomplishments of Amitasha girls.  Dr.Chauhan stressed that Amitasha girls are being nurtured and groomed to lead theworld; they are equipped and are inspired to make society a better place tolive for everyone.


Addressing thegathering, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan thanked everyone for their presencewhich she stressed, will go a long way in motivating Amitasha girls. Shestressed that it is very important that girls are nurtured with good values andethics as they are the backbones of their families. The good values instilledin them are further passed on to the coming generations while performing theirresponsibilities as mothers, sisters and wives. She mentioned that Amitashabelieves in instilling righteousness, good values and hard work in all thestudents. Motivating the students, Dr. (Mrs.) Chauhan stated that women are areservoir of boundless energy and they are capable of achieving everything. Sheapprised that Amitasha students are very eager to learn and prove themselves.They just need opportunities and a platform to prove their mettle and atAmitasha, students are exposed to various extra-curricular activities likedance, music, baking etc. along with studies


Laudingthe efforts of Amity towards the development of less privileged girls children,Smt. Sangeeta Jaitely suggested that Amity should open a Amity Schooland Amitasha near Pathankot and Jammu in order to cater to the educationalneeds of youth of North Punjab as well as Jammu and Kashmir. She pointed outthat there are still many families in those regions which don’t believe ineducating their daughters but it is important to spread awareness on educationof girls. She averred that by educating a girl, one educates two families- oneshe is born in and other she gets married into. Smt. Jaitley praised theamazing musical performance by the students of Amitasha, which vividly broughtout the love and care with which they have been nurtured.

During the occasion, Dr. Sohani Vermaalong with Dr. Anita Kaul- RCOG and Dr. Ranjana, Secretary, RCOG contributedan amount for Amitasha girls which will be used for their future education.


Mr. LalitBhasin praised Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan for bringing in a transformation inthe lives of girls through Amitasha.


During theoccasion, Ms. Sonia Kumari - Best All-Rounder Amitasha student from ClassXII was felicitated with Dr. (Mrs) Asha Bhargava Memorial Award for hersincerity, discipline and diligence.

A Gynecologistand a Gold Medalist, Dr. Asha Bhargava was a living example of compassion,especially for the under privileged members of the society for whom she workedassiduously during her lifetime. Lt. Gen. P.D Bhargava- Group Deputy ViceChancellor, Amity instituted this award in the memory of his late wife.


Receiving theaward, Sonia Kumari expressed her gratitude towards Dr. (Mrs.) AmitaChauhan for providing her opportunities for self-advancement and also for thebetterment of her family. She mentioned that Amitasha has encouraged thousandsof girls from poor families to study and work towards a better life. Sheassured that she will always follow the vision of Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan andwill help people in need.


The talented Amitasha students presented a ballet, entitled“Veerangana” celebrating the power of women, showcasing their strengthand wisdom over the ages.




Amitasha schools are run in beautiful Amity campuses withbest infrastructure to provide the ideal learning environment to the lessprivileged girl students. Starting from Nursery, these girls remain withAmitasha till class XII under the able guidance of professionally qualifiedteachers.


Students who have displayed extraordinary potential andinterest are encouraged to continue their study further at the educationalinstitutions of national repute. Apart from academics, the girls are also givenvocational training so that tomorrow they have the ability to becomeeconomically independent.