
02 Apr 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUP participates in ‘World Autism Day Awareness’ at the 5th Autism Carnival

On the occasion ofthe World Autism AwarenessDay, anInternationally recognised day,  AmityInstitute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUP participated in the exclusive Carnival for theAutism Community on Sunday, 2ndApril 2017 organised by Centre for Child and Adolescent Well Being (CCAW), NewDelhi. The theme for this year was Toward Autonomy and Self Determination.

World AutismAwareness Day, celebrated each year on April 2, was adopted by the UnitedNations in 2007 to shine a bright light on autism as a growing global healthcrisis. Autism is one of only three health issues to be recognized with its ownday by the United Nations. WAAD activities increase world knowledge of autismand impart information about the importance of early diagnosis and earlyintervention. The day celebrates the unique talents and skills of persons withautism around the world.

The Autism Carnivalgave a unique chance to be with theAutism community and contribute to their revelry by celebrating the day withchildren with Autism and dedicate a day for the merriment of these individuals.The aim of the event was to support and give an opportunity to the Autismcommunity to make most of the day by indulging in various fun activitiesspecially designed for them. The carnival also gave parents a chance tointeract with professionals and other parents too.

Under the guidanceof Dr. Jayanti Pujari, Director and Ms. Pallavi Chauhan , JointDirector,  AIRS, the studentfraternity of Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, AUUP participated inthe celebrations with utmost zeal and enthusiasm, creating new dimensions inthe field of Rehabilitation Sciences and Special Education, striking a chordand delivering the vision of a world in whichpeople with disability are an integral part of society, participating in the communityand living life to the fullest, with equitable access to opportunities andservices.

The event in collaboration with Centrefor Child and Adolescent Well Being (CCAW), New Delhi was coordinated by Ms.Anusuya K. Yadav (Assistant Professor) and Ms. Seema Saleem, Faculty, AIRS,AUUP.