
03 Apr 2017|Noida | C Block Auditorium

Activists call upon youth to participate and be sensitive towards the issue of equal rights for women at Amity

Amity Institute of Social Sciences organized a Panel Discussion onWomen's Reservation Bill in association with National Alliance for Women atUniversity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Eminent speakers including Dr. Ranjana Kumari, Director, CenterFor Social Research, Mr HK Dua, Eminent Journalist and ex RS member, Prof.Bijaylakshmi Nanda, Delhi University Academic and a powerful voice on women'srights, Ms. Annie Raja, National Federation of Indian Women, and Ms. VimleshSharma, President, Collective of Village Pradhans shared their views duringthe discussion

Dr.Ranjana Kumari laid stress upon the importance ofwomen’s participation in electoral process. She pointed out that women havebeen voting in larger number than men which shows that women are gettingpolitically mobilized. Dr. Kumari apprised that India has been ranked behind inevery social indicator as the country failed to promote equal progress ofwomen. Therefore, in order to make this country great, every woman should haveequal rights in decision making and youth should participate in the movement.

Sharingher views, Dr. Jyotsna Chatterji, Joint Women’s Programme stressed thatConstitution of India talks about equal rights to men and women in the countrybut looking into the growing disparity, it is important to trace where thingshave gone wrong. She lamented that women in India lack equal rights in decisionmaking and hence, equal justice is denied to them. She stressed that even inParliament, women are not represented equally. She remarked that 7 womenorganizations have come together to jointly raise their voice over the issue ofachieving equal rights for women in the country, which is known for its largestdemocracy.

Addressingthe gathering, Mr. HK Dua said that the Women's Reservation Bill wasfirst introduced in the Parliament in 1996 and has not been passed by anygovernment successfully till now despite the country having nearly 50% of womenpopulation. He apprised that the movement for women’s equal rights in decisionmaking has not been addressed properly as the attitude of various politicalleaders towards the issue is patronizing. Mr Dua suggested that the battle forreservation needs to be made as a National Movement which is possible byreaching out and creating awareness amongst every village, panchayat and personat the grassroot level.

Speakingon the occasion, Ms. Annie Raja outlined the grueling fact, “we live ina society where almost all policy decisions are governed by the males and womendo not get the opportunity to have an equal say which narrows the possibilityof empowering women and breaking the glass ceiling.” Briefing about the 20 yrsof struggle for Women’s Reservation Bill, she mentioned that the Women’sReservation Bill is an extremely important part of Legislation that has thecapacity to change the structure of Indian politics. It is essential that thebill doesn’t get lost in the transition between the two houses. Ms. Raja calledupon the youth to participate in the movement as they have the power to changethe system like it did during Nirbahaya Incident or India against CorruptionMovement.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. Nirupama Prakash, Director, Amity Institute of SocialSciences stated that over the years, the participation of women inpolitical arena has increased in order to facilitate equitable development. Shecalled upon the youth to sensitize people around them to empower women and takeforward the movement till women get their due rights and privileges.