
16 Mar 2017|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Amity Institute of Education organizes National Seminar on “Meaning of Life”

Amity Institute of Education, Amity University Uttar Pradesh in collaboration with Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) started three day National Seminar on “Meaning of Life” at University campus, Sector 125, Noida.

The main objective of the seminar is to create a vision for education and life with a futuristic perspective by devising methodologies towards an integrated approach based on the perspective gained from multiple exposures.

Addressing the gathering, Shri A. Annamalai, Director, National Gandhi Museum said that there is a value in truth that trumps all other values and the pursuit of truth is the most important thing a person can do. He mentioned that for Gandhiji,truth was equivalent to God. He called upon the participants to learn the art of living and loving. Shri Annamalai averred that many people strive hard for materialistic success thinking that wealth brings happiness. But wealth doesn’t bring happiness as happiness is a state of mind which is attained by giving and not acquiring. He emphasized that if a person wants to receive good in one’s life then he needs to treat the path of truth.

Sharing her views, Prof. (Dr.) Ranjana Bhatia, Mentor, Amity Institute of Education,AUUP said that meaning of life can be interpreted in different ways as possible have different perception of life. She stressed that every incident in life is reflection of Karmas. She called upon the participants to be wary of their actions, deeds and thoughts as in this world, nothing happens to a person that he/she does not deserve. She advised the students to appreciate the good moments in life and kindness bestowed upon them by others. Dr. Bhatia averred that if someone is negative towards you, then one shouldn’t reciprocate with negativity but with positivity which will change the negative thoughts of the person with time.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Alka Muddgal, Head, Amity Institute of Education AUUP said that current age is of information explosion but still there is shallow knowledge and weak performances by youngsters since they are clueless about their own self and often lack initiative to explore lesser known territories,lack requisite skills and wisdom which are required to take on the challenges with time.  She apprised that the conference is conducted to provide a platform to students to acquire a holistic approach about meaning of life so that students can subsequently apply the insight gained during the seminar int heir real life context.

During the three day seminar, various sessions would be conducted including “Meaningof Life in context of Islam” by Dr. M Tarique Anwar, Head, Dept of Political Science, R K Degree College; “Philosophy of Brahma Kumaris” by Dr. Usha Kiran, Professor & Head, Dept of cardiac, AIIMS; “Oneness, the essence of human life” by Ms. Shikha Sharma, Research Scholar, Dept of Philosphy, University of Mumbai and “Role of Higher Educational Institutionsin preparing youth for the Future” by Prof. Rachna Verma Mohan, SLBSRV amongst others