
08 Mar 2017|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

Gender Inequality is a human issue, avers women during International Women’s Day celebrations at Amity

Tocelebrate Women’s Day, Amity Law School, Noida organized a Panel Discussion ontheme ‘Changing Roles of Women in Society Building’ at Amity University, NoidaCampus.


Thepanel discussion was moderated by Ms Karnika Seth, Advocate & FoundingPartner, Seth Associates & Legal Consultants, Lex Cyberia with Ms. RanuKulshrestha, CSR Associate Vice President and Group Head, Hindustan PowerProjects Private Limited; Ms. Aishwarya Bhati, Advocate on Record (AOR),Supreme Court of India and Ms. Avipsha Thakur, Executive Director, Roshni(NGO), Delhi as eminent panelists.


Addressingthe gathering, Dr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh said that women have become more powerful thanever and are successfully working by reaching highest echelons in every domain.She apprised that the theme for 2017 International Women’s Day is “Be Bold forChange” which highlights serious issues like women empowerment and genderinequality. Dr. Shukla averred that to celebrate the true spirit of women, oneday is not enough as each day brings a new challenge for women who face it withgreat courage and determination.


Sharingher views, Ms. Ranu Kulshrestha said that Women's Day is celebratedevery year to respect the work and achievement of women worldwide, but it isimportant to acknowledge the struggles of those women who are yet to beempowered. She emphasized that gender inequality still exists and awareness isrequired to understand that gender equality is not a woman’s issue; it is ahuman issue which affects every individual in society. Ms Kulshresthahighlighted that women and men are still restricted to some particular roles insociety depending on their gender hence, gender sensitization needs to beinculcated amongst youth from the primary stage itself. She encouraged thestudents to be the face of change by taking small steps towards empowering thedeprived such as treating everyone equally, breaking stereotypes, nottrivializing serious issues and sharing the burden in terms of responsibilitywith opposite sex.


Speakingon the occasion, Ms Karnika Seth said that womanhood is the genesis ofharmony in community, society and nation as whole. She mentioned that therehave been changes in society for women empowerment, including in the legalfront wherein various amendments, reforms and new offenses are added undercriminal laws for protection of women. She opined that such constructive stepsassure that even women have the right to live with dignity. Ms. Seth pointedout that with changing times, it is necessary to educate the society for notreferring females as the weaker gender. She called upon the women to neverinhibit themselves from learning and advised them not to suffer the violence ofany form in silence. She averred that society needs to respect the freedom ofwomen. Though, there are many positive transformations occurring yet mindsetstill needs to be changed.

Ms.Aishwariya Bhati shared the stories of inspirationalwomen who have inspired many by their struggles and fight for justice. Sheaverred that 50 per cent of women population is yet not aware about theirpotential, which is a loss only to not only an individual but to family,society and the Nation. Ms. Bhati laid stress upon empowering women to participatefully in economic life across all sectors which is essential to build strongereconomy of a nation.


Duringthe occasion, Ms Karnika Seth, Advocate & Founding Partner, Seth Associates& Legal Consultants, Lex Cyberia was conferred with Honorary Professorshipin Amity Law School