
24 Jan 2017|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity signs MoU with Kabul University, Afghanistan for initiating mutually benefitting association in the area of Research and enriching Intellectual Capital

Delegations from Kabul University, Afghanistan and Ball State University,United States visited Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida to explore mutually benefiting collaborative options.

The Delegation from Kabul University was led by Dr. Said Mohammad Tingar, Dean, Kabul University who was accompanied by Vice Dean, Mr. Jamshed Haidery and Dr.Mohammad Naim Azimi.

The Delegation from Ball State University was represented by Dr. Kenneth Holland and his wife Dr. Julie Lebo.

Welcoming the distinguished members of the Delegation, Dr. Sanjeev Bansal- Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Amity University briefly introduced Amity University, highlighting the list of accomplishments and achievements of Researchers and Scientists of Amity. Outlining areas of potential collaboration, Dr. Bansal stated that Amity University is looking for collaborations in the area of intellectual capital exchange, student exchange, joint innovation and research initiatives and other related areas.

During the occasion, an MoU was signed by Dr. B L Arya- Registrar, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Dr. Said Mohammad Tingar, Dean, Kabul University on behalf of Amity University and Faculty of Economics at Kabul University.

The MoU aimed at initiating Faculty Exchange, MBA Student Exchange, Faculty Professional Development,Access to Digital Library resources, Research collaboration and facilitating Indian Trade and investment in Afghanistan.

Sharing his views, Mr. Jamshed Haidery apprised that majority of Universities in Afghanistan are public Universities and research publications are in local language. He shared that recently, Kabul University has launched BBA and MBA programmes in English language and the University is looking for International cooperation for Faculty Development in BBA and MBA Programmes which will ensure the long term sustainability of the programmes. He remarked that most of the faculty members in Management at Kabul University are not PhD, therefore, they are looking for an alliance to enhance the qualifications of the faculty members.

Expressing her delight over MoU signing, Dr. B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University stated that Amity University, being a progressive and futuristic University, is looking for partnerships with like-minded Universities  in the area of Joint Research, Joint Publications, Joint Research Conferences and Seminars, Student and Faculty exchange. She shared that Amity University is aiming that 80% of its students should have international exposure and 15% of the student population should be from foreign shores through dissertation, internships, study abroad programmes,India Immersion Programme etc. She highlighted that few students from Afghanistan are already enrolled in Civil Engineering, Biotechnology and Agriculture programmes and are provided with specially designed language classes in English to ease their study and learning in India. She expressed her desire to work with Ball State University in future on a long term, sustainable and mutually rewarding association.

Addressing the gathering, Dr.Mohammad Naim Azimi stated that they are trying to promote the culture of research and Innovation in Kabul and Afghanistan through International collaborations and expressed his hope thatthe collaboration with Amity University will strengthen the capabilities and capacities of the faculty members of Kabul University.He shared that University of Kabul is in the process of attaining financial autonomy and is looking forward to learn from Amity the alternative sources of revenue generation by Faculty of Economics, Kabul University in addition to tuition fees. He expressed that Kabul University is looking forward to extend the MoU and chart out a road map for further cooperation.

Also present during the occasion were various HoIs and HoDs of Amity University