
25 Nov 2016|Noida | F2 Auditorium

Seminar on ‘Toyota Caravan – Moving Forward with Safe & Eco – Friendly Technology’ at Amity

Domain of ‘Engineering & Technology’, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh in association with ‘Toyota Kriloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd’ organizedone day Safety & Environment Seminar on ‘Toyota Caravan – Moving Forwardwith Safe &Eco – Friendly Technology’ at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.


The seminar was inaugurated by Mr. T. S. JaiShankar, Dy. Managing Director, Toyota Kriloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd.; Dr. K M Soni,Deputy Dean, Engineering and Technology, Amity University and Mr. Naveen Soni,Vice President, Toyota Kriloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd.


Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni - Dy. Dean, Engg. & Tech.,Chief Coordinator of Seminar, welcomed the guests and briefed about Amity. Heemphasized that such programs are very useful for students and help inimproving industry-academia collaboration.


There was a presentation on Toyota’s global safetyphilosophy & technology by Mr. Shogo Sakai, Project Manager, Vehicle SafetyDevelopment Department, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan. He presented safetyfeatures incorporated in Toyota models.


This was followed by a presentation on THUMS by Mr.Hiroyuki Murayama, Project General Manager, Technical Research Development, ToyotaMotor Asia Pacific Engg. and Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Thailand. Toyota has beendeveloping computer-based virtual human models, known as THUMS, to analyze andsimulate situations that are closer to the actual accident. Toyota analyzescrash simulations involving THUMS to pinpoint precisely which parts of thehuman body are affected by various high-impact collisions. The obtained data isused to develop airbags and seats that help reduce injuries in certaincollision scenarios. THUMS is constantly being improved to add more human typesand more detailed replicas of internal body structure to derive accurate testresults.


There was a presentation on Toyota’s safetyinitiatives by Mr. Naveen Soni, Vice President, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt.Ltd. He said that India has a dismal road accident record.  He said thatToyota being committed to safety, has introduced several safety features e.g.Hill Start Assist control (HSA) feature to improve passenger safety. 


Mr. Yoshiaki Ishimoto, Executive Managing Director, EnvironmentManagement Promotion Office, Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Engg. and ManufacturingCo. Ltd., Thailand outlined Toyota’s commitment to environment i.e. ToyotaEnvironmental Challenge 2050. Toyota is developing several zero CO2 emissiontechnologies, optimizing water usage, reducing plant emissions etc. This willresult in establishing harmony with nature and improve bio-diversity.


Mr. Yoshihiro Onomura, General Manager, Hybrid VehicleEngineering Management, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan gave an overview ofToyota Hybrid technology. He also explained various forms of Hybrid technologye.g. mild vs full hybrid etc.


Mr. T. S Jaishankar, Deputy Managing Director, ToyotaKirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. explained ZDZE (Zero Defect Zero Effect) modelfrom Toyota. He outlined various environment friendly initiatives from Toyota.This included environment friendly cars, environment friendly production systemetc. He said that Toyota is committed to lean and green automobilemanufacturing.


There was a robust interaction between the speakersand faculty as well as students. Q&A session was held to enable exchange ofideas. On behalf of Toyota, they felicitated to Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni, Prof. (Dr.)Ravi Prakash and Prof. Vivek Kumar. The dignitaries from Toyota werefelicitated by Amity Mementoes.


The seminar is attended by the faculty, scholars andstudents of Amity School of Engineering & Technology (ASET), Amity Schoolof Engineering (ASE), Amity Institute of Environment Science (AIES), AmityInstitute of Aerospace Engineering (AIAE) and Amity Institute of Technology (AIT).


The seminar was coordinated by Prof. Vivek Kumar, Head– Mechanical Engineering and Mr. Shyamal Samant, Associate Professor,Mechanical Engineering.


A hybrid Toyota Camry car was exhibited as a part ofhybrid technology demonstration in front of F2.


After the seminar, a meeting of all the speakers washeld with Vice Chancellor Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla.  emphasized that Amity Universityis already running programmes in collaboration with industry and also offering skillbased courses. The programs like this would improve industry-academiapartnership. There is a need for industry led courses, so that students areready to meet the industry requirement. She also emphasized that case-studybased teaching approach would be beneficial for students. Amity and Toyota canjointly develop some case-studies and will try for other collaborations ofmutual benefits.