
23 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

HR Summit as part of CEO Forum at Amity International Business School

AmityInternational Business School organised HR Summit under the series “CEO Forum”,an initiative to bridge the gap between Industry & Academia and to giveopportunity to students to interact with industry captains at Amity University Campus Noida. The theme of this yearHR Summit was “HR Transformation through Strategy & Skills for a SustainableWorld Class Organization.”

HR Summit was inauguratedthe by Prof. Douglas B. Shaw, SeniorAssociate Provost for International Strategy – The George WashingtonUniversity; Mr. Rajeev Bhadauria-Director Group HR -Jindal Steel & Power Ltd; Mr. Prem Goswami- Vice President – HR, R Systems; Mr. Ajay Chowdhury – President-HR, SRFLTD; Mr. Vivek Tripathi – CHRO, LAVAInternational; Mr. N. K. Sharma- CGMHR, NHAI; Ms. Prachi Sinha, IndiaHead, NACD; Ms. Kanika Tewari –Founder and CEO, Go Diverse; Ms. RajniGandhi – Founder- Trax Road Safety; Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor and Director General,Amity International Business School, Amity University inaugurated the forum.

Mr. Rajeev Bhadauria- Director Group HR -Jindal Steel & Power Ltdsaid that technology in the last few decades have changed very rapidly and tocope up with the new development, skill sets is the real challenge for HRperson. Mr. Bhadauria focused on concept of having design thinking and saidthat potential in humans has to be utilized. Not even 10% of real potential ofa person is used. One has to think out of the box.     

Mr. Prem Goswami- Vice President – HR, R Systems described about the peoplepractices at R Systems and said that everybody need to be empowered as per theline of operation. It should not be like that Manager of company daily assignsthe task to his juniors. Give enough freedom to perform functions withapproval. Mr. Goswami said that if the work force is not competent or handledproperly, everything would fell apart. Today’s executives are tomorrow’smanagers. Mr. Goswami explained the importance of mentoring in an organizationand said that mentoring is full fledged process driven activity where feedbackfrom mentor and mentee is received. It gives management potential, skills andcapabilities of employees. Mr. Goswami added that employees will leave theorganization but till the time they are with organization, engage them and feelthem that they are part of ecosystem.     

Mr. Vivek Tripathi – CHRO, LAVA International said thatit is very important develop skills in rural youth and to engage them inmanufacturing sector. India in near future will become world leader inmanufacturing and can become world electronic factory. India is the secondlargest market for mobiles & electronics and the large population of Indiacan be gainfully employed in manufacturing. Mr. Tripathi added that to becomeconsumer global brand it important to have affordable technology. Excellence inmanufacturing can be achieved by hard work, discipline, right skilltraining. 

Welcoming the augustgathering Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor saidthat Transformationis changing the Human resource structure, function, skills level and responsibilitiesto meet the growing demands of the volatile market and diversity of workforce.The role of HR is coming into a new state of being —strategic partnerships thatfocus on alignment to business goals. The learning Organization, the HRbusiness model and continuous up skilling of HR are the accepted ways toaddress the immediate and future needs of the organization. The HR SUMMIT isfocused on helping business partners and strategic HR executives to increaseboth personal and organizational performance by redesigning and reinventing thestructure, function, process of Human resource for sustainability and growth ofthe organization to become world class organization added Prof. Singh.

During the occasion AIBS Centers of Excellence was also launched withsigning of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

MoU was signed between Ms Rajni Gandhi, Founder TRAX-Road Safety NGOand Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh. Another MoU was inkedbetween Mr. BP Mukherjee, Director Oroprise Solutions Pvt. Ltd and Prof. (Dr.)Gurinder Singh.

During the HR Summit Amity HR Excellence Award were conferred upon to Mr. Rajeev Bhadauria- Director Group HR-Jindal Steel & Power Ltd; Mr. PremGoswami- Vice President – HR, R Systems; Mr. Vivek Tripathi – CHRO, LAVA International – CSR; Mr. N. K. Sharma- CGM HR, NHAI; Ms. Prachi Sinha, India Head, NACD –Socio Economic  Responsive Organisation; Ms Rajni Gandhi – Founder TRAX-RoadSafety NGO; Mr N Rama Krishnan,General Manager -KRIBHCO.