
08 Nov 2016-08 Dec 2016|Noida |


Amity Institute of Education organised a paneldiscussion on “Execution of Enhanced School Internship in Two-Year B.Ed Program­­–– An Opportunity or A Challenge” at its premises  

Eminenteducationists shared their experiences with respect to the enhanced internshipin B.Ed programme.  

Dr. Alka Muddgal,Head of the Institute, welcomed the gathering and thanked the panelists fortheir support in the process of grooming teachers for future.

The opening speaker, Ms. Manju Gupta, Principal,Kothari International School presented the schools’ point of view apropos of traineeteachers and reiterated the need to rise to the expectations of thestakeholders concerned.  Dr.Neelu Goswami,Principal, Presidium School, Sonepat spoke about the need to adapt to thechanges in the teaching scenario. Emphasising the role of a teacher as amotivator, she said that teaching is a demanding job that requires full timeinvolvement.

 Professor Rainu Gupta, a noted academician and Professor and Head of the Department ofEducation, Sharada  University,  stressed the need for a collaboration betweenthe teacher education colleges and schools in mentoring aspirant teachers. 

Dr.Sadhna Tyagi, Assistant Professor, AIE Saket shared the difficulties faced bythe teacher education colleges, particularly with respect to getting schoolsfor internship, and lack of manpower to adequately follow up the performance ofstudents during internship. 

Dr Seema Agnihotri , Asst. Prof, AIE  detailed the difficulties in properimplementation and utilisation of the internship programs. She also suggestedcertain solutions to rectify the glitches in the system. The audience consistedof prospective teachers, research scholars and faculties from institutes ofeducation. The qualms regarding supervision of the trainees and the allotmentof government schools for internship were deliberated over by the panelists inresponse to queries from the audience . 

Professor Ranjana Bhatia, Principal,Amity Institute of Education, Saket , moderator of the session, summed up thediscussion by reiterating the need to uphold the interests of all parties inthe internship process followed by Vote of Thanks given by Dr. Rasna Sehrawat,Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Education.