
17 Nov 2016|Noida | New Delhi

Amity signs MoUs with Israeli Universities during “Israel-India Academic Summit”, in the presence of HE Hon’ble President of Israel

Standing true to its academic excellence, Amity wasselected to participate in the “Israel-India Academic Summit” which wasorganized in New Delhi during the State visit of HE Hon’ble President of Stateof Israel- Mr. Reuven Rivlin to India.

During the Summit, top Israeli Universities and selectedIndian Universities were invited for interaction and signing of agreements ofmutual cooperation.

TheAmity Delegation was led by Dr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity &Additional President, RBEF and the members in the Delegation included Mr. AjitChauhan. Vice-Chairman, Amity Distance and Online Education, Dr. GurinderSingh- Amity Group Vice Chancellor,  Dr. W. Selvamurthy- President, AmityScience Technology and Innovation Foundation,  Dr. DK Bandyopadhyay- ChiefAdviser, Amity Group,  Wg Cdr SK Goel- Vice President, InternationalAffairs, Amity and Mr. Akhil Bhardwaj- Assistant Director, InternationalAffairs, Amity Group

Amity was one ofthe few selected Universities from India to participate in “Israel-India AcademicSummit” and the representatives from Amity University had the privilege tointeract with the heads of Israeli Academic Institutions.

During theoccasion, Amity University signed three wide ranging agreements with thefollowing Universities in the presence of Hon’ble President of Israel and theHon’ble Minister of HRD of India.


a.TheInterdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya

b.The HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem (HUJI)

c.TECHNION-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel


TheIsraelis signed several other agreements with Indian Universities &Institutions, but the largest number of MOUs were signed with Amity University,which has heralded an education revolution in the country.


The President of Israel, duringthe Summit, spoke very warmly about the commonalities with India and the greatopportunities Israel and India have to work together. He expressed his desireto see more student mobility and more research between the two countries

While addressing theparticipants, Dr. Aseem Chauhan highlighted the necessity of privateeducation in India and the leading pioneering role Amity has played in thehigher education scenario in the country.

After the inaugural, Dr. AseemChauhan and Mr. Ajit Chauhan led fruitful and informative discussions with theIsraeli Educational Institutions.

Discussions were initiated with Presidentof IDC Herzliya for establishing a Centre for Research which will focus onManagement & Cyber Security.

Suggestions were mooted fordeveloping proposals for Amity India Immersion Programs, Internship Programs,Student and Staff exchanges with focus on research since Israel has highquality of research and Science and Technology

Prof Aris Maharshak, Presidentof Braude College expressed his keeninterest in collaborating with Amity in the Engineering domain.

During the Summit, it wasproposed that a Research Conference will be organized in 2017 jointly byAmity and Israel. The Israel Government and the Embassy indicated their strongsupport in terms of funding and other areas.

Subsequently, Presidents ofleading Colleges of Israel - Prof.Cohen-Eliya, President, College of Law & Business (CLB) and Dr. Yoseph A.Mekori, Professor of Medicine & President, Tel-Hai College, Israel visited Amity Universityto discuss potential areas of mutual collaboration.

CLB is a leading academicinstitution of Israel which is known for its innovative, professional andglobal approach and its impeccable reputation not only in Israel, but acrossthe globe.

Prof. Cohen-Eliya, President,College of Law & Business (CLB)  discussed with Dr. Gurinder Singh-Amity Group Vice Chancellor thepossibilities of Staff and Student Mobility, Research and Publications,Short duration programs that will attract Israeli students to Amity in Indiaand vice versa, Joint Internships and developing e-learning partnerships.

Tel-Hai College is the leading public academic college inIsrael and an engine of change for the educational, economic and socialdevelopment of the Upper Galilee. Tel-Hai is known for its dynamic researchcollaborations in areas of Sciences, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Throughpartnership with the world-renown MIGAL Galilee Research Institute,groundbreaking work has been done in such varied fields as cancer prevention,solutions to water and soil pollution, and molecular medicine.

Dr. Yoseph A. Mekoridiscussed with Dr. Selvamurthy – President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation the possibilities of  joint research in theafore stated areas of specialisation. A letter of intent was also signedbetween the two Institutions