
10 Nov 2016|Noida | Main Ground

3,393 Graduands receive their Degrees and Diplomas during first day of convocation 2016

Itwas a historic moment at Amity University Uttar Pradesh when Honorary DoctorateDegrees were conferred upon His Excellency Hon’ble Mr. Najeeb Jung, DelhiLieutenant-Governor along with Mr. Onkar S Kanwar, Chairman and MD ApolloTyres; Mr. Anil Kohli, Honorary Brigadier; Mr. Mukul Rohatgi, Attorney Generalof India and Mr. Sean Tompkins, CEO RICS Global during the first day of 12thConvocation Ceremony at University Campus Noida

12th Convocation of AmityUniversity is spread over three consecutive days- wherein more than 14,000successfully qualified Graduands of several Programs would receive their UG andPG Degrees, Diplomas, Trophies and Medals for their exceptional performance.

Duringthe first day, 3,393 Graduands from Management Domain received theirDegrees and Diplomas. Around 268 meritorious Graduands received Gold,Silver and Bronze Medals, Corporate Awards and Salvers.

Themagnificent procession comprising of Trustees of the Board, Senior Members ofthe Management, Head of the Institutions, Departmental Heads and Senior Facultymembers entered the Convocation Hall accompanied by the band of pipers hummingthe traditional celebration song, marking the commencement of the Grand event.

Mr.Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh declared 12thConvocation open.

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh  presented a brief report of the University in which shetouched upon key achievements and initiatives that have been taken during theyear 2015-2016 including new programmes launched in cutting edge technologies,breakthrough research work by Scholars and Researchers, various researchprojects given to Amity by Department of Science and Technology and severalministries of Government, research papers presented by faculty members inNational and International Conferences and Seminars and other milestonesachieved by Amity University. She mentioned that road to success ahead of themis long but journey would be exciting Dr. Shukla congratulated the graduandsand wished them luck in their future endeavors.

Blessingthe graduands Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group saidthat the alumni of Amity are distinguished, geared to take the worldhead on. He motivated the students to dream big with open eyes and motivatedthem to instill self-confidence which will help them to reach the pinnacle ofsuccess. He remarked that Amity’s environment is enthused with rich Indianvalues and traditions, ethics and ethos and behavioral skills, which makesstudents not only thorough professionals but also good human beings. Dr.Chauhan urged graduands to imbibe humility and develop a pragmatic approach intheir lives which will aid them to run miles on the track of success.

Duringthe convocation, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan and Dr. Atul Chauhan conferred HonoraryDoctorate Degree in Philosophy upon His Excellency Hon’ble Mr. Najeeb Jungfor his outstanding contribution as an administrator and a brilliantacademician who has shown utmost sincerity and humility in all political andsocial endeavors.

Acceptingthe Honoris Causa, His Excellency Hon’ble Dr. Najeeb Jung expressed hisdeep gratitude for conferring the Honorary Doctorate upon him. He appreciatedthe vision and dedication of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan for years of contributiontowards development of nation through quality education. His Excellencyapprised that it is important for an individual to have humility and empathy towardsother people especially those who are underprivileged. He mentioned thatlasting happiness cannot be achieved just by being professionally successful orearning good money and advised the youth to rise above their profession, state,caste and religion to contribute towards the nation building which will givelasting peace and happiness.

Mr.Onkar S Kanwar was conferred upon Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophyfor his vision, deep commitment to propagate his knowledge, professionalism andinspirational leadership in steering organization towards continuous growthdedicated to the good of humanity.

Duringhis acceptance speech, Dr. Onkar S Kanwar said that he is honored toreceive the Honorary Doctorate from an Institution that has a reputation ofexcellence. He said that humbleness, values and ethos are important in everyindividual’s life. He stressed that in every profession communication isessential and most importantly is listening as listening is learning. Mr.Kanwar narrated his journey as an entrepreneur and apprised that there is noshortcut to success and no place of ego in business. He emphasized that it iseasy to run away from challenges rather than facing them, but only those peoplesucceed who take risks in difficult times. He advised the graduands to followtheir dreams and work with passion to be a successful professional.

Mr.Mukul Rohatgi was conferred upon Honorary Doctorate Degree in Lawfor his singular contribution through determination, focus and perseverance toprovide insights for path breaking changes in the Indian Legal System.

Expressinghis gratefulness for being conferred the Honoris Causa upon him, Dr. MukulRohatgi lauded the efforts of Amity in providing world class education tostudents and also rooting them in the culture and values of Indian society. Hementioned that the lamp of life is education and advised the budding legalprofessionals that they shouldn’t get dazzled by the success of other peoplesince it is not an easy journey and success comes to those who work hard andpreserve.

Dr.Anil Kohli was awarded the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Sciencefor his contribution on the scientific growth of the nation through cuttingedge and pioneering research with remarkable ability to convert technologicalbreakthrough into innovative and practical application.

Acceptingthe Honorary Doctorate and addressing the graduands Dr. Anil Kohliemphasized that in the present era, there are lots of opportunities for youthin country\and they must make most of it. He averred that if one aims high inlife and have interest in the field they want to work in then with commitmentand sincerity, a person can reach heights.

Dr.Sean Tompkins was conferred upon the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophyfor his exception vision and deep commitment for propagation of surveyingstandards, professionalism and direction in pursuit of excellence.

Expressinghis gratitude for conferring Honoris Cause upon him, Dr. Sean Tompkinssaid that over the years, Amity has been an epitome of quality education acrossnation. He shared that RICS is immensely proud to be associated with Amity toshape India and its education system.

During the second dayof convocation, over 3588 Graduands from Engineering and Life Sciences domainswill receive their Degrees and Diplomas