
12 Nov 2016|Noida | Main Ground

14,000 Graduands conferred upon Degrees and Diplomas during Convocation 2016 in Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Amity University Uttar Pradesh reachedanother milestone with last day of 12th Convocation 2016 whichwitnessed the conferring of Honorary Doctorate Degrees upon Dr (Prof.) M CMisra, Director, AIIMS; Shri Malvinder Mohan Singh, Exec. Chairman, FortisHealthcare Limited & SRL Diagnostics Limited; Mr. Warren Harris, CEO &MD Tata Technologies and Shri Deepak Kapoor, Chairman, PwC India(PricewaterhouseCoopers India).

Duringthe grand ceremony, spread over three consecutive days, more than 14,000successfully qualified Graduands of several Programs received their UG and PGDegrees, Diplomas, Trophies and Medals for their exceptional performance.

Duringthe last day of convocation, over 4902 Graduands from Humanities, Law,Fashion, Design, Communication and Distance Learning domains received theirDegrees and Diplomas. Around 244 meritorious Graduands are honored withover Awards including Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, Corporate Awards andSalvers during the ceremony

Mr.Atul Chauhan- Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh declared 12thConvocation open.

Welcomingthe gathering, Dr. Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh presented a brief report of the University in which shetouched upon key achievements and initiatives that have been taken during theyear 2015-2016. She mentioned that road to success ahead of them is long butjourney would be exciting. Dr. Shukla congratulated the graduands and wishedthem luck in their future endeavors.

Blessingthe graduands , Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group motivatedthe students to dream big with open eyes and encouraged them to instillself-confidence which will help them to reach the pinnacle of success. Heremarked that Amity’s environment is enthused with rich Indian values andtraditions, ethics and ethos and behavioral skills, which makes students notonly thorough professionals but also good human beings.

Dr(Prof.) M C Misra, Director, AIIMS received Honorary Doctorate Degree inScience for his exceptional vision, deep commitment toresearch, propagation of scientific enquiry and continuous exemplary efforts ininnovating and improving technology for the good of India in particular andhumanity in general.

Expressinghis gratitude for conferring honoris causa upon him, Dr (Prof.) M C Misra laudedthe vision of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan to contribute in making India a KnowledgeSuperpower. He advised the graduands to keep life simple, envision dream duringdaytime, realize the value of your dream and make efforts to achieve it.Speaking on accessibility to healthcare for all, Prof Misra said thataccessibility is more significant than affordability. It is a challenge forgovernment and related organizations which needs immediate attention. Hepointed out that the solution to accessibility is in leveraging digitaltechnology.

ShriMalvinder Mohan Singh, Exec. Chairman, Fortis Healthcare Limited & SRLDiagnostics Limited was conferred Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophyfor his exceptional vision, deep commitment to propagation of knowledge,professionalism and direction in pursuit of excellence.

Sharinghis views and accepting the Honorary Doctorate Degree, Dr. Malvinder MohanSingh- Executive Chairman, Fortis Healthcare Ltd. and SRL Diagnostics Ltdstressed that the honor is in fact a matter of pride for his family members andover 30,000 employees working across group companies including Fortis, SRL andReligare. He congratulated Dr. Chauhan for his vision and foresight in settingup Amity University and for continuously nurturing it and building it to anorganization that it is today. Addressing the graduands, he remarked, “Youth isthe future of the country and we have absolute confidence that youngsters likeyou will not only make India proud but also retain it's rich social, culturalheritage and make India a global power that all of us aspire it to be”. Sharingthe values which have been guiding him throughout his life, Mr. Singh averred,“Success is a very funny word which is often misinterpreted. Resilience andhard work go hand in hand since there is no easy path to achieve the goals.Often passion fuels us throughout our rollercoaster journey of life and it isimportant to choose the goals wisely.” He urged students not to take shortcutsin life but remain focussed with what is right and remarked that it is oftendifficult, tough and challenging to follow the right path but it is the onewhich will surely lead them to success. He added, as days go by, success andfailure will meet with you, often one after the other, remember all of it istransitory, but the most fleeting is money and wealth, so keep yourrelationship with it that of trusteeship without  attachment. For itsyours to protect and nurture and not to emphatically consume.

Mr.Warren Harris, CEO & MD Tata Technologies was conferred Honorary DoctorateDegree in Philosophy for his strategic vision andinspirational leadership in steering his organization towards continuous growthdedicated to the good of humanity.

Deliveringhis acceptance speech, Dr. Warren Harris thanked Amity University forconferring Honorary Doctorate upon him. He said that Amity University hasdistinguished itself from other prominent educational institutes as it nurturesnot only excellent professionals but also good human beings who are geared upto take the world head on. He commended Amity for its value based educationsystem. Dr. Harris laid stress on the importance of industry academia linkagesand said that over years TATA technologies has invested in number of differentprograms in developing students as industry ready professionals. He identifiedtechnology, manufacturing, benchmarking, innovation, and automotive manufacturingas growth potential areas in India for budding professionals. He called uponthe graduands to create a better tomorrow for themselves, their families andcommunity at large.

ShriDeepak Kapoor, Chairman, PwC India (PricewaterhouseCoopers India) was conferredHonorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy for his commitment andfocus in all humanitarian and societal endeavors and his strategic vision andinspirational leadership dedicated to the good of humanity.

Acceptingthe Honorary Doctorate, Dr. Deepak Kapoor said that it is a matter ofpride to receive honoris causa from an prestigious university like Amity. Heappreciated that astonishing achievements of Amity at global level in variousareas including education, research etc. He averred that it is high time thatglobal leaders recognize the astounding work and immense contribution of AmityUniversity in providing global education to students.  He advised thegraduands to keep their values intact throughout life journey which will help thembe a successful professional and a good human being.

Duringfirst day of Convocation 2016  Honorary Doctorate Degrees were conferredupon His Excellency Hon’ble Mr. Najeeb Jung, Delhi Lieutenant-Governor alongwith Mr. Onkar S Kanwar, Chairman and MD Apollo Tyres; Mr. Anil Kohli, HonoraryBrigadier; Mr. Mukul Rohatgi, Attorney General of India and Mr. Sean Tompkins,CEO RICS Global.

3,393Graduands from Management Domain received their Degrees and Diplomas. Around268 meritorious Graduands received Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, CorporateAwards and Salvers.

During the second dayof the Convocation, Dr. Prannoy Roy, co-founder and co-chairperson of NDTV willbe conferred upon Honorary Doctorate Degrees

3588 Graduands fromEngineering and Life Sciences domains received their Degrees and Diplomas.Around 247 meritorious graduands received Awards including Gold, Silver andBronze Medals, Corporate Awards and Salvers during the second day ceremony