
25 Feb 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity University awards Scholarships worth crores to meritorious students in Academics and Sports

Amity University, as part of ongoing mission to identify andpromote talent in Academics, Sports and Co-Curricular activities, organised a “Scholarship Award Function”, spread over two days atUniversity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida

During the two day function, Scholarships worth crores in differentcategories will be awarded to the students.

309 students will be awarded “Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Scholarships”,515 students “On Admission Merit Scholarships”, 151 students “MeritCertificates”, 479 students “Continuation of On Admission Merit Scholarships”,268 students “Merit Scholarships during the Programme”, 24 students“Merit-cum-Means Scholarships” and 6 “Sports Scholarships on Admission” by Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President – Amity Group; Mr. Atul Chauhan-Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and Dr. Balvinder Shukla- ViceChancellor, Amity University.

Dr. Sunita Singh- Chairperson, Scholarship Committee shared that over 1243 Scholarships are being awarded to themeritorious student during two day ceremony for their hard work and academicexcellence in Academics and Sports. She explained various Scholarships that arebeing awarded to the students and criteria for being selected as a scholarshiprecipient.

Addressing the proud recipients during the memorable occasion, Dr.Atul Chauhan acknowledged the sense of joy, satisfaction and happinessevinced by the parents, grandparents and acquaintances of Scholarship holders.He shared that the vision at Amity is to create young leaders and good humanbeings who will transform the country and the world would look upto them. Hemotivated the students to do remarkable service to the society and alwaysremember the blessings of their parents and elders who have sacrificed so muchthem. He advised them never to rest on the glory of their past and keepadvancing and achieving as they move on in their lives.

Congratulating the awardees, Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, FounderPresident, Amity Group remarked that Scholarships awarded to the studentsare the proud testimony of their hard work, diligence, commitment and sincerityand it is with the grace of God and blessings of parents and teachers that theyhave been able to soar great heights. Dr. Chauhan added that the Scholarshiprecipients will lead and show the path to the world through the power of goodvirtues, ethics and morality along with academic excellence, that they haveachieved at Amity

The proud recipients of the scholarships expressed their heartfeltgratitude to their parents, faculty members and institution for theirachievement and success.

Mehak Rao- a student of BA-LLB and 5th time recipientof Dr. Ashok Kumar Chauhan Scholarship thankedAmity University for grooming her holistically and providing her numerousavenues to give expression to her innate talent and encouraging her throughscholarship to aim higher and higher in life. She assured Amity fraternity thatthe resources that the Institution has invested in her will be given backmanifold for the betterment of human beings and society.

Abhay Aggarwal- a student of B. Tech- CSE owed his heartfelt gratitude to Amity University to making himwhat he is today and stressed that Amity nurtures Creators and not Followers byproviding them numerous platforms to showcase their talent and interact withthe leaders in the Industry.

Mr. Rajiv Jain- parent of a Scholarship Recipient, Mani BhadraJain from B.Com LLB (Hons.) programme expressedhis heartfelt gratitude to the University for providing best infrastructure andfacilities, thus acting as a launch pad for his daughter’s bright future. Hestressed that the potent combination of values with knowledge, that Amity isinstilling in all its students, has the power to transform the country and theworld.

“Dr. Ashok K Chauhan Scholarships” include 100% fee waiver and are awarded to the students whosecure 93% aggregate and above in Class XII or 93% aggregate and above in ClassXII and 80% in Graduation.

“On Admission Merit Scholarships” include 50% fee waiver and are awarded to the students who secure88% aggregate and above in Class XII or 93% aggregate and above in 10+2 and 75% in Graduation.

“Sports Scholarships on Admission” include 100% Scholarship to International Players, 50%Scholarship to National Gold/Silver/Bronze Medal winners and 25% Scholarship tothe students who have participated in National Games.