
28 Feb 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Institute of Law, Nirma University, Gujarat wins 15th Amity National Moot Court Competition

15th AmityNational Moot Court Competition organized by Amity Law School, Delhi fromFebruary 26- 28, 2016 at University Campus, Sector- 125, Noida concluded todaywith the team from Institute of Law, Nirma University, Gujarat declared aswinners of the prestigious Competition.

Testingstudents in the art of arguments and the finer nuances of legal drafting, themoot proposition for this year was based on Family Law along with a combinationof various procedural aspects.

Sh. Neeraj Kishan Kaul- Additional Solicitor General of India,Hon’ble Mr. Justice Siddharth Mridul, Delhi High Court, Prof.M.K. Balachandran- Chair Professor for Law, Amity Law School, Delhi and Prof.(Dr.) Isheeta Rutabhasini - Amity Law School, Delhi gracedthe Valediction Ceremony and felicitated the winners.

Winning Team from Institute of Law, Nirma University, Gujaratwas given a Rolling Trophy along with the Cash Prize of Rs 20, 000 andRunners-Up Team from Symbiosis Law School, Pune was felicitated with a Trophyalong with the Cash Prize of Rs. 15,000.

Meghna Sharma from Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law wasadjudged as “Best Researcher”; Kosheel Gupta from National Law School,Bangalore as “Best Speaker”. “Best Memorial” Award was presented to the Team ofSymbiosis Law School, Pune

Welcomingthe august gathering and presenting a brief report of 15th Amity National MootCourt Competition, Dr. B P Sehgal, Director, Amity Law School, Delhi sharedthat over 32 premier Law Colleges and Institutes across India participated inthe Competition, which witnessed setting up of 22 Courts - 16 duringPreliminary rounds, 4 during Quarter Finals, 2 during Semi Finals and 1 duringFinals. He commended all the participants for their thorough research,presentation skills, knack of arguing and addressing the queries. He briefedaudience about the proud achievements of the budding lawyers of Amity LawSchool, Delhi in various Moot Courts and extra-curricular activities.

Addressing thegathering, Sh. Neeraj Kishan Kaul- Additional Solicitor General of India stressedthat Moot Courts sharpen the skills of advocacy, drafting cases and reasoning,at the same time, preparing the budding lawyers to present arguments withconviction in front of Judges and Senior Lawyers of High Court and SupremeCourt. He remarked that in Legal Profession, there is no better teacher thanexperience and experience matters the most in Legal Profession. He motivatedthe students to nurture a spirit of fighting for Justice fearlessly and to havea voice of their own. He advised them to become good lawyers in future and togive honest advice to their clients.

Addressing the young buddinglawyers and congratulating them for participating in the Amity National MootCourt Competition, Justice Siddharth Mridul,Delhi High Court remarked that it’s nota matter of shame to make an attempt and fail keep whereas the real shame is torefuse to play the game. Sharing nuggets of wisdom with the students frompremier Law Colleges, Justice Mridul said that in their career as a Lawyer,they may have to face humiliating and humbling defeats but they need anattitude, integrity and hard work to succeed. He advised them to gain as muchexperience as they can in Colleges and Institutions since their expression inCourts will depend upon their experience. He stressed that two essentials tosucceed in Bar are Talent and Opportunity and motivated the students to remainready with requisite skills when opportunity knocks into their lives in orderto utilize the opportunities in the best possible manner.

Thesemi-finals of the Moot Court were contested between four teams –Institute ofLaw, Nirma University, Gujrat; National Law School of India University,Bangalore; Symbiosis Law School, Pune and Symbiosis Law School, Orissa Noida,out of which Nirma University, Gujarat and Symbiosis Law School, Pune emergedas Finalists.

TheSemi-final rounds of the Competition were adjudged by Hon’ble Ms. Justice DeepaSharma, Delhi High Court, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ved Prakash Vaish, Delhi HighCourt, Hon’ble Ms. Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal, Delhi High Court and Hon’bleMr. Justice I.S. Mehta, Delhi High Court and finals by Hon’ble Mr. JusticeManmohan Singh- Judge, Delhi High Court  and Hon’ble Mr. Justice SureshKait- Judge, Delhi High Court.