
28 Nov 2016|Noida | I2 Moot Court

250 International Students from Association of Southeast Asean Nations (ASEAN) visits Amity University

More than 250 InternationalStudents from Association of Southeast Asean Nations (ASEAN) member countriesvisited Amity University Noida Campus today, as part of The Ministry ofExternal Affairs’ initiative along with the Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) to organize a week long visit of International Students to India.

Theaim of the visit is to provide the International Students a first hand experienceof India. This year, Students from Brunei-Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, LaoPDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam havevisited the country.

Thisis an ongoing programme with India and all ASEAN countries to improve contact betweenthe nations and create an awareness of the modern India in the ASEANRegion. 

Welcomingthe guests, Rear Adml R C Kocchar, AmityGroup Pro Vice Chancellor said that it is a great opportunity for studentsof ASEAN countries to experience the rich heritage and culture of membernations. He emphasized the Amity believes in exchange of culture and focuses onproviding global education to its students.

Acultural prgramme showcasing the culture of India was presented by the studentsof Amity University. During the prograame, International Students danced to thetunes of Bollywood Music.

Duringthe visit, the students were taken for a round of campus wherein they appreciatedthe infrastructure, laboratories and faculty members of Amity.