
19 Nov 2016|Noida | I2 Moot Court

Modern School, Barakhamba Road Team wins Best Delegation award during 7th edition of ‘Amity International Model United Nations’ (AIMUN)

To abreast the students on variouscurrent international issues and familiarize them with workings of the UnitedNations Organization, Amity Educational Resource Centre together withAmity International Schools organized the 7th edition of ‘AmityInternational Model United Nations’ (AIMUN) held at Amity University, Noida.

Model United Nations is an academicsimulation of the United Nations, which aims to educate participants aboutcurrent events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the UnitedNations agenda. It is the platform for the young ambassadors to display theiract of diplomacy.

Thethree day conference saw the students playing role of UN Delegates in 7Councils such as - General Assembly, Historical North Atlantic TreatyOrganization, All India Political Party Meet, World Health Organization,European Union, Security Council and United Nations Office Drugs and Crime.

DuringAIMUN, discussions and debates were conducted upon numerous issues of India andthe world such as demonetization, arms and ammunition trafficking andterrorism, sexual assault and exploitation of women, equal rights for women, struggleagainst illicit drugs, causes of Ebola rash in West Africa, issues ofimmigrants and refugees and many more.
During the Valedictory, Team of ModernSchool, Barakhamba Road was declared as the Winners for “Best Delegation Award”followed by Amity International School, Gurgaon as First Runner Up and AmityInternational School Saket as Second Runner Up.

AIMUNwitnessed the participation of more than 493 students from various schoolsacross India and abroad including countries like France, Slovakia, Denmark,Germany, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Maldives, Japan, USA andNetherlands.

Addressingthe gathering, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan,Chairperson, Amity International Schools said that the global issues arerequired to resolve on immediate basis. Swift and effective decisions fromworld leaders to curb the issues are expected by people. She stressed that MUNprovides a platform to students to express themselves and also enhancing theirknowledge on International Affairs. The idea is to develop and nurture globalcitizens and leaders for a better world. Dr. (Mrs.) Chauhan called upon theyouth to have courage to think and do things differently and positively.

Ms. Jyoti Arora, the head of AmityEducational Resource Centre (AERC) presented a briefglimpse into the educational and exuberating experience offered by the AmityInternational Programs.

The7th edition of AIMUN 2016 was inaugurated by Mr. Manish Sisodia,Dy. Chief Minister of Delhi and His Excellency Mr. Kenji Hiramatsu, AmbassadorExtraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan.

As part of the conference, a cultural programme wasorganized during which various international and national performances wereshowcased including Traditional Japanese Fishermen’s dance by Japanesestudents; Fusion music by students of USA and Italy; Danish Song by students ofDenmark; Group Song “Friendship of nations” by students of France and KathakDance by student of Chinar Public School, Alwar amongst others