
20 Oct 2016-22 Oct 2016|Noida | Anant Center for Learning and Development, New Delhi

Amity Institute of Réhabilitation Sciences (AIRS) organised Continuing Rehabilitation Education programme on ‘Addressing Barriers in the Environment and Universal Design’

Amity Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences (AIRS) organised Continuing Rehabilitation Education programme on Addressing Barriers in the Environment and Universal Design at Anant Center for Learning and Development, New Delhi from 20th to 22ndOctober, 2016. The program was approved by Rehabilitation Council of India.

30 professionals and 30 students of special education around the country attended the program

The program was inaugurated by Dr. J.P. Singh,Chairperson of AFDD, AUUP-NOIDA and the Trustee Member of ACLD who motivated the participants to come up with innovative ideas to remove the barriers in the field of special education for their effective inclusion in education.

The program aimed at upgrading of knowledge of the registered Rehabilitation Professionals working in different fields of rehabilitation. The program comprised of lectures and group activities. The Resource persons for the program were faculty members of AIRS and Experts working in different disability areas including Dr. Jayanti Pujari, Director-AIRS, Dr. Usha Grover, Director- Anant Center of Learning and Development, New Delhi, Dr. Alok Bhuwan, Director- Manovikaas, New Delhi, Ms.Ruma Roka, Director- Noida Deaf Society, Noida, Dr. Hemlata, Director-National Centre for Disabilities Studies (IGNOU), Mr. Nekram Upadhyay, HoD- Assistive Technology, ISIC, Delhi and Dr. Pubali Agarwal, National Association for the Blinds, New Delhi.

Mr. Ravi Prakash Singh and Mr. Saurabh Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professors of AIRS were the Organizing Secretary of the CRE Programme.