
28 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

6th Industry Academia Meet by Amity Institute Of Organic Agriculture

Amity Institute OfOrganic Agriculture (AIOA) hosted its “6th Industry Academia Meet2016” at University Campus, Sector 125 , Noida to provide a platform forIndustry and Academia to interact and thereby, facilitating the holisticgrooming of the students through experiential learning.

Academiciansand Industry professionals from Agri & food industry shared their knowledgeand latest industry trends with the students.

Dr. Naleeni Ramawat,Acting Head AIOA briefed audience about theInstitution’s core academic programs- MBA (Agri and Food Business), B.Sc. ( Agriand Food Business), M.Sc., Ph.D and student exchange programs. She highlightedthe placement record of students in various reputed firms and govt. aidedprojects run by the Institute. She also talked about the affiliation of the Instituteto the Agriculture Skill Council of India. She invited valuable suggestionsfrom invited speakers to improve the student industry interactions.

Dr. Sunil Saran, Chairman,Amity Institute of Horticulture Studies and Researchtalked  about the high rankings ofvarious institutes and universities owing to their extensive Industry Academiacollaborations  in which Cambridge wasranked 22 and Oxford 40. He also talked about the Post Harvest Technology beingused in India and phrased ‘’One inch land, Bunch of crops” to highlight thescarcity of arable land in India. He motivated students to carve out successfulcareers through Right attitude, Desire to learn and Readiness to improve.

Theinteraction with the Industry professionals was conducted in three sessions.

Mr. Kamal Kumar,Dhanuka Agritech Ltd. highlighted theposition of India being 94th in World Hunger Index and in transitoryPhase. He called upon the students to shoulder the responsibility of farmersand stressed that knowledge is gained in class but on farm there’s a practicalexposure.   

Rakesh Bisht, WillowoodCrop Sciences Pvt. Ltd. talked about foreseendecrease in agri work force to 50 % in coming decades and averred that peopledon’t want to work on farm and agriculture is being overlooked by newgenerations as a career option.. He also talked about problems in Indianagriculture like reduction in per capita arable land, fragmented land holdings,lack of know how about modern farming and others and motivated young minds  to use their skills  to improve agriculture in the country.

Ms. Sonal Aggarwal,General Manager, Gustora Foods Pvt. Ltd.said that Food is a short 4 letter word but has a big meaning and shared herviews on product innovation – Amul launching lactose free milk and Quinoa beinggluten free.

Mr. Pradeep Dwivedi,Prajana Agro Associates narrated his personaljourney, outlining how he started off with his business with only two farmers.He highlighted why youth is not coming into play and how Industry academiaMeets act as platforms for youth to closely learn about the industry

Session II

Mr. Tanmaye Seth,AquaAgri Processing Pvt. Ltd. talked about 2030 Agriperspectives and soil conservation as need of hour. He highlighted key areaswhere young people can work including High Yielding Varieties seed development,Organic Carbon cycling. He also outlined how students can help the farmers byproviding complete and up to date information about govt schemes.

Mr. Pradeep, BiostadtIndia Ltd. appreciated Amity’s focus on importanceof agriculture and its teaching. He also highlighted the rigorous traininggiven to the young professionals by Amity.

Mr. Mihir Mohanta,Mother Diary F&V. stressed that Agricultureis less thought and more consumed. He talked about the challenges andopportunities in Fruits and vegetables industry and highlighted that the contributionof F&V is 25% of consumption value of food. In addition to this, he dweltupon the role of middlemen in supply chain and how branding provides Identityand assurance to the consumers.

Ms. Rupali Gupta, WendysBarista and Jamie’s Italian highlighted the GoodAgricultural Practices GAPs and Cold Chain Management as an opportunity foryoung people. She encouraged the students to think and innovate in thesefields. She also talked about how students can help industry with keeping up todate with new regulations in agri and food.

Mr. R K Anand,International Panaacea Ltd. stressed that Amity isone of the few institutes offering Agri and food business courses in India. He emphasizedhow “Organic” tag to Food products could be the solution to most of theproblems. He also shared his experience of successful Organic Tea farming.

Hestarted with video of Never give up session by Sandeep Maheshwari. He alsotalked about how organic food has changed the industry and making money fromagribusiness requires knowledge. He also advised the students that beforedeciding an idea they should create a business plan. He also talked aboutresearch in marketing and financing plan.

Session III

Mr. Srinivasan Ayyer,HR Club-Agri Value chain talked about theopportunities for youth in Agri Value Chain, Agri input, Agri processing, AgriFinance as Agri Officers , Scientists and teachers. He also gave 10 successmantras most important of them being the right attitude and knowledge.

Mr. Nalin Rawat, SkymetWeather highlighted the huge potential andopportunities in Agribusiness with a focus on Weather forecast & monitoring, Agri Credit Risk Management and Pest Forecasting.

Mr. Siddhant Suri, SuriAgro., while addressing the addressingimplored, “You just not have to be innovative , You have to be great”. Hehighlighted the export potential of fruits and vegetables, Brand building , qualityof products and marketing position.