
10 Oct 2016|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

“Win of Mrs. Hillary Clinton is forward looking for India- US Relations” avers US Congressman Jim McDermott during his visit to Amity University

Amity University PACIFIC Forum in association with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organized a Lecture by US Congressman, Mr Jim McDermott at Amity University Sector-125 Noida Campus.

Congressman Jim McDermott presented an overview on the growing Indo-US Relations and New Dynamics in the relationship which are expected between the two countries given a change in the political scenario in US.

In his opening address, US Congressman, Mr Jim McDermott shared his views on Mrs. Hillary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump’s second round Presidential Debate, Mr. Jim McDermott said that Mrs Hillary is the most potential candidate to be the President of United States of America as she has traveled all over the globe, met numerous global leaders and left a positive impressions during her visits. India US relations will strengthen with her win. Condemning Mr. Trump’s negative remarks on Immigrants, he pointed that immigrants have been strength to United States as they create lots of entrepreneurship opportunities which have contributed towards development of the nation. He stressed that US value every inhabitant of its nation as they significantly contribute towards nation building. Congressman McDermott apprised that India is a remarkable country that is home to various languages and cultures and at present, it is at a notable point in terms of economical growth and robust relations with different countries. He mentioned that there are several opportunities for India across globe and India needs to work in full capacity now by stepping forward to become the part of real global leadership.

Responding to a question on current political situation and elections in United States, he said that win of Mr. Trump is a frightening possibility as he is unsure of his position and work. He called Mr. Trump as a blank sheet of paper who has no idea on what to do or say next. Contrary, Mrs. Clinton is flexible with clear thoughts who doesn’t believe in discarding the work of previous Presidents but will take forward the good work of predecessors. He further added that in present time, a lot of information is spreading across rapidly through social media but it can be dangerous as there is no check on the content. He mentioned that in US, there is a section of population who has access to information through Reality Television only which presents content in a dramatic way and these people are the ones who can easily get influenced by Mr. Trump. He added “The win of Mr. Trump will be an unpleasant situation for America but I have faith in power of democracy and congress which will find its way to take the country forward.”

Today on the occasion of the World Mental Health Day, Congressman McDermott responded to a question regarding the increase of mental health condition amongst people, wherein he said that mental health situation across globe is a serious problem in society caused by depression which needs to be addressed in terms of research and treatment. He averred that due to adverse political situations, many countries like India and China are building up their military power and warned that more the nation builds military, more it roots worries to people of nation and other nations as well. He called upon the world leaders to work on a common platform to deliberate in finding a way to avoid war situation. He further added that in US, there is a need to focus on other forms of treatment apart from Allopathic medication such naturopathy and natural healing.
Responding to a question on effects of climate change, US Congressman McDermott said that India is rich in natural resources and advised to conserve this energy. He suggested that the world needs to put in its efforts together for finding a way to deal with global climate issues such as glaciers melting, sea rising etc as it will cause various problems in coming 25-30 years. 

Addressing the gathering, Dr. Aseem, Chauhan, Additional President, AmityGrouplauded the efforts and contribution of US Congressman Jim McDermott in strengthening the relations between the two countries. He mentioned that the visit of Mr. McDermott couldn’t be at more appropriate time as currently India and US are looking for new collaborations to explore new paradigms of global alliances by focusing on common interests. Dr Chauhan apprised that Amity believes in building relationships with institutions, industry and other organizations across globe to provide global exposure to its students. He further added that global engagement creates global leaders who have knowledge of different cultures across the world. He laid stressed that Amity will continue to explore new horizons that build understanding, knowledge sharing and strengthening relations between India and US.

The lecture was attended by Dr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh; Dr. (Prof.) Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor; Dr. Ajit Nagpal, Chairman, Amity PACIFIC Forum; HOIs/HODs of various institutions, Faculty Members and students.

Mr. McDermott was accompanied by Mr. David Springer during his visit to Amity University.