
04 Aug 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

“Sensitization Programme on Drugs Abuse and Prevention” held at Amity

Amity University organised a “SensitizationProgramme on Drugs Abuse and Prevention” for students and faculty members atAmity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

DrAtul Ambekar- Additional Professor, NDDTC, AIIMS conductedan interactive session on “Substance Abuse” with the students of Amity. Sharinghis views further, he said that Drugs are additive substances which change theperception, mood, thinking process and behavior of a person after consumption.He remarked that some of the drugs such as Opiods are medicines, which arehighly affective pain- killers but when taken in excess over a period of time,become a habit. He stated that sleeping pills, cough syrups and pain killersare habit forming and therefore, should be used cautiously and withprescription. He further shared that easily available volatile solvents such asPetrol, Diesel, Nail Polish Remover, Paints are also used as Drugs and beinghighly damaging and addictive, even their mild intoxication causes great dealof damage to the Brain. He implored that a Drug addict should not be shunned asa person with loose character or as a person with no will power but he shouldbe provided all the requite help and support since drug addiction or resistancedepends a lot on biology of a person, coupled with the environment he is livingin. He called upon the students to be empowered for making informed choices intheir lives since they will have to live with the decisions they makethroughout and therefore, stay away from drugs for a better future.

Mr.Anand Katoch- Director, National Institute of Social Defencedwelt upon various Drugs which are “Brain Suppressants” and “Brain Depressants”and how they are being misused by youth and adolescents in the most productivetime of their lives. He stated that a person gives in to Drug Abuse either dueto peer pressure, love for experimentation and getting high, misconceptionsabout Drugs or as a way of escapism from the din and bustle of life. Heremarked that Drug abuse, apart from usual withdrawal systems, can also lead toHIV affecting the life of a person irrevocably. He called upon thestudents to act sensibly and refrain from Drugs which provide fleetinghappiness and lingering sorrow.

Addressingthe gathering, Lt. Gen P D Bhargava- Group Deputy Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity remarked that the Sensitization Programme is the first endeavorof 11 members Anti Narcotics Committee formed at Amity, which aims ataddressing the serious problem of Drug Abuse” affecting the youth of thecountry. He shared that Anti Narcotics Committee, through lectures and otherevents, will disseminate the awareness about Drug abuse and provide counselingand requisite help to those in need. He stressed that others can only adviseand render support to the Drug Abuser or Addict but it is the person himselfwho has to muster courage and get out of the vicious cycle of drugs. He thankedNational Institute of Social Defence and Ministry of Social Justice andEmpowerment for joining hands with Amity in the crusade against Drug Abuse inyouth. 

Duringthe event, Artists from Ministry of Social Justice & Empowermentpresented  “Pantomimes” and students of Amity Business Schoolpresented a Skit, giving out messages loud and clear that the happiness or highprovided by Drugs is transient and once, the person becomes a Drug Addict, theway out becomes very difficult.

AShort Film on “Say No to Drugs” was also screened.