
30 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management (AITTM) organised “HR Conclave 2016”

“Telecom Companies looking for Adaptability, Right Attitude and Skill to handle Ambiguity in young graduates” share HR experts from Telecom Sector at Amity

Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management (AITTM) organised “HR Conclave 2016” at University Campus, Sector- 125, Noida to update students with the latest trends in the HR Sector and providing them an apt platform to interact with HR leaders.

Welcoming the distinguished speakers from Industry, Lt.Gen P D Bhargava- Advisor, Amity Institute of Telecom Technology and Management and Amity Group Deputy Vice Chancellor stated that Human Resource plays most vital role in any organization. From an administrative perspective, the focus today is on a strategic outlook where talented HR professionals look at improving the work environment and plan out human resource needs. He remarked that Indian work force and industrial climate is undergoing tremendous change and to manage that change, students have to be prepared right from the college through relevant platforms such as HR Conclaves to make them industry ready.

As part of the Conclave, a Panel Discussion was organised on the theme “ Emerging HR Trends” wherein Ms. Alka Gulati -  Director-HR, Hughes Communications India Limited, Mr. Malay Chaturvedi - Vice President HR (UP West & Uttaranchal ),Idea Cellular Ltd, Mr. Varun Bhaskar- Associate Director, Human Capital, PWC;Mr. Sachin Sharma - Head Talent Acquisition, Lava International Ltd, Mr. Vikas Singh Songara - Head  HR, Technology Unit and Head - Global Campus Relations, Sterlite Technologies Limited and Mr. John James – HR Head, Global Sales Support (GSS) , Nokia shared their views. The Discussion was moderated by Mr. Amit Sinha Roy- VP Strategy & Marketing, Global Enterprise Business- Tata Communications.

Giving an insightful opening about HR as a Profession, Mr. Malay Chaturvedi - Vice President HR (UP West & Uttaranchal ), Idea Cellular Ltd said that the main success of HR profession depends upon change management in the systems.The theories which are taught in class rooms, can only be implemented through successful change management in the systems.  Sharing his views further on Telecom, he remarked that Telecom Industry is aligned with Digital India mission of the Government and Industry thrives in a complex, ambiguous and fast paced environment. Various Telecom Companies have invested a lot in the sector andare therefore, expecting big RoIs. In such a scenario, he remarked that the students aiming to make big in Telecom Sector are expected to master three competencies- “Ability to handle ambiguity”, “Competency to bring and manage the change in the systems” and“Digital competency including Big Data Analysis”.

Motivating the students, Ms. Alka Gulati - Director-HR, Hughes Communications India Limited encouraged them to master right skills and competencies, working on their dreams and assured them that people in Industry will welcome them with open arms. She briefed students that when they will enter the industry, they will be helped and handheld but eventually they would have to lead the team towards higher business returns and their accountability towards their work and organization will be reviewed on a constant basis. She urged the students to come out of their cocoons and don’t be scared of failures since many companies even in Silicon valley are considering people with failure stated in their resume especially in cases of start ups. She advised students to learn lessons from their mistakes and not to commit same mistakes again and again since that is not expected in the industry.

Outlining traits that every person needs to master for succeeding in life, Mr. John James – HR Head, Global Sales Support (GSS), Nokia said that it is very important for a professional to be able to work in team; communicate verbally and in written;plan, organize and prioritize work along with the technical knowledge of the domain. Addressing the students as Gen Y, he stated that Gen Y has a big responsibility on their shoulders ; the responsibility to accept and assimilate the changes that happen in the systems from time to time.

Mr. Sachin Sharma - Head Talent Acquisition, Lava International Ltd, while addressing the students, stressed that HR is not just about recruitment, induction,promotions and appraisals, Talent Management but it is an extended arm of the community around. Advising students, he called upon them to be adaptable since there is lot of ambiguity in the sector, have positive attitude and performance accountability. He shared that companies are cutting back on investment in infrastructure but are investing heavily in HR. Commenting on hard work v/s smart work , he stressed that “Jugaad as Innovation is good but not as a short cut”and motivated students to work hard in present to be able to work smart in future.

Mr. Varun Bhaskar- Associate Director, Human Capital, PWC urged students to have goals and then dream to fulfill those goals. He advised them to find out their core strengths and try to get into projects where they can utilize their strengths in best possible manner and later on, they could come out of their comfort zones to try their hands in new things. He suggested students to maintain their composure in face of hardships and start building networks and relationships right from college days since all their friends and colleagues would enter the industry soon and could help them immensely in one way or another.

Subsequently after the Panel Discussion, Students posed numerous questions to Industry veterans who responded back elaborately and succinctly.

Also present during the occasion were Col.O.P. Aurora- Advisor- Industry Interaction, AITTM and other senior faculty members from the Institute.