
28 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Amity signs MoU with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre to bolster research in Cancer and allied areas

“Immunology will be used to treat Cancer in future”, stress the experts from Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute &Research Centre while signing MoU with Amity

Amity University signed an MoU with prestigious Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre (RGCI & RC) at Amity campus, Sector-125, Noida to foster close academic and research collaborations between the two Institutions in the field of Cancer and allied areas.

The MoU was signed by Dr. B. L. Arya- Registrar, Amity University and Mr. D.S Negi, -CEO, RGCIRC in the presence of Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group,

Also present during the occasion were Dr. Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director, Dr. D.C Doval, Director, Medical Oncology & Research, Ms. Swarnima Jaitley, Principal Research Officer, Dr. Juhi Tayal, Clinical Pathologist  and Ms. Shikha Rudraraju, Head, Strategic Development from RGCIRC and Dr. W Selvamurthy- President, Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation; Prof. (Dr) Bhudev C. Das- Chairman & H. G. Khorana Chair Professor, Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine and Sr. Directors, Researchers and Scientists from Amity

Addressing the gathering, Mr. D.S Negi, -CEO, RGCIRC expressed his delight in associating with Amity and stressed that the association between the two Institutions will be very beneficial for the country since the synergy of the best resources from both the Institutions will lead to breakthrough in the field of Cancer Treatment. Talking about RGCIRC, he stressed that the Institution is very strong in clinical research and it was the first to use Robots for Cancer Treatment in India. He stated that removing an organ is not a solution and it should be the prime responsibility of the doctors to cure the disease from the root. He highlighted the importance of basic research in Cancer Treatment and averred that Amity and RGCIRC will jointly carry on basic research in the field of Cancer to come up with alternative treatment therapies

Sharing his views, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President,Amity said that Research is the foundation of a strong economy and Amity is reckoned for its outcome based R&D . He shared that Amity has filed over 800 patents in various fields and many of them have been commercialized for the benefit of humanity. He expressed his joy over the proposed association between Amity and RGCIRC will lead to multidisciplinary research in the field of Cancer by combining the best of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology,Pharmacy, Immunology and other allied areas.

Dr. Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director,RGCIRC stated that Indian Laboratories and R&D infrastructure is the best in the world. Talking about Cancer, he stressed that the growth and spread of Cancer Cells is checked by immune system of the person and if the Immune System of a person becomes weak, it stops fighting against deadly diseases including Cancer, thereby affecting the entire body. He remarked that very soon Immunology will be used to treat Cancer and opined that Mind Body approach is important to fight Cancer since chemotherapy and other treatments weaken the mind, body and soul of a patient.

Dwelling on the nuances of the collaboration, Prof. (Dr) Bhudev C. Das- Chairman, Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine stressed that the collaboration would include Research and Academics amongst all Institutions of Amity with all Institutes/Centers/Industrial & Service Organizations of RGCIRC. He remarked that the MoU provide opportunities for faculty, scientists,staff and students to make optimal use of the expertise and facilities available in both the organizations through training of faculty/students/staff and through exchange of thoughts and ideas by brain storming sessions/seminars/workshops and meetings.