
15 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

CEO Forum – “India and WTO : Opportunities, Prospects and Challenges for India” at Amity International Business School

Amity International Business School has started an initiative to bridge the gap between Industry & Academia and to give opportunity to students to interact with industry captains. Initiative called as “CEO Forum” is a platform wherein panel discussions, lectures, interactions are organised in different domains of management like Trade, Human Resource, Branding, Marketing etc.

CEO Forum on the topic: India and WTO – Opportunities, Prospects and Challenges for India was organised in association with PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry at Amity University Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce; Mr Vivek Seigell, Director, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry;  Mr V K Mishra, Executive Vice Chairman India China Trade Centre; Dr.W. Selvamurthy, President – Amity Science, Technology & Innovation Foundation; Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor and Director General,Amity International Business School, Amity University inaugurated the forum.

Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce said thatWTO as an organization is the by-product of 2nd World War. Colonial trading system was prevalent during that era and all the countries decided to have trading system to have some sort of rules for trading   and hence WTO was formed to facilitate rule based trading. It is the only multilateral organization which has enforceable law. WTO has 164 member countries interacting on different issues. Addressing the students of Amity Mr. Pandey said that three things determine success in life – Managing Manpower, Good Communicator and high level of energy. He urged to be job creators instead of job seekers. Future belongs to innovators.  

Welcoming the august gathering Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh, Amity Group Vice Chancellor said that every week leading industry stalwarts visit Amity and interact with students of Management, International Business and 3 Continent. Speaking about CEO Forum series, Prof. Singh said that it is an effort to bring industry CEOs every week to discuss contemporary issues. The series is about learning from industry as only learning from books is not sufficient. Prof. Singh said that Knowledge is the backbone for any university. Out of every 4 top academicians of world 1 is from India.

Centre of Excellence of Amity – India China Trade Centre was launched during the occasion. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Mr V K Mishra,Executive Vice Chairman India China Trade Centre and Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Singh.

Inaugural session was followed by Panel Discussion on the topic “Indiaand WTO: Opportunities, Prospects and Challenges”. The session was moderated byMr Vivek Seigell, Director, PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry  in which Dr.K. S. Kardam, Senior Joint Controller of Patents & Designs; Mr. V K Mishra, Chairman, India China Trade Centre; Ms. Neetu Kishore, CEO& Co-Founder, Technovations Services Pvt. Ltd; Mr. Ashutosh Gupta, Chairman Pharmexcil and Director, Medicamen Biotech Limited; Mr. Rajdeep Sherawat, Head International Business, TCS; Mr. Sanjay Kumar,Regional Director, Council for Leather Export; Shri. R P Jhalani, Former Chairman, EEPC presented their thoughts.

Mr. Vivek Seigell said that the Industry Chambers acts as a bridge between government,industry and other international stake holders. The policy decisions of government are shared with industry and in return takes feedback. Chambers also felicitate participation in various exhibitions and helping industry in connecting with rest of the world.

Dr. K. S.Kardam spoke on Intellectual Property Rights and the position of India, while Shri. R P Jhalani highlighted the need for India on WTO. He said that when Indian opted for WTO, one section of Industry was skeptical on joining but India joined because of overall requirement of Indian Economy. He also showed his worry on the dumping of cheap steel by China and Korea and its impact on local steel industry. Mr. V K Mishrafocused on India-China Trade and said that from year 2003 onwards bilateral trade sped up and currently India China trade 70 Billion Dollars. Prime Minister aims the bilateral trade to increase to 200 billion dollar in next few years.

Mr.Rajdeep Sherawat, Head International Business, TCS expressed his concern on rising entry barriers for people. He said that by and large border of countries are rising either by putting some entry clause or putting visa issues. It is in interest of all countries to negotiate in reducing barriers.Today it is barrier for IT industry; in future any other industry will be restricted.

During the CEO Forum Amity Export Excellence Award were conferred upon Mr. Rajdeep Sherawat, Head International Business, TCS; Mr R K Sharma,Executive Director, P C Jewellers; Mr. Tafsir Ahmad, CMD, The Kings; Mr. Abhaya Gupta, CEO, Nanya Inc.; Mr Harpreet Pascricha,Proactive Data; Mr Shariq, DEKI Electronics; Mr. Sandeep Agarwal, Alps International.