
05 Sep 2016-07 Sep 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

The Public Law Lecture Series organised by Amity Law School, Noida in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University, United States

The Amity Centre for Gender Justice and Child Rights, Amity Law School Noida (ALSN) organised an innovative, first of its kind - The Public Law Lecture Series from 5-7th Sept in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University, United States.

The lectures were conducted over the course of three days by eminent law professors from Penn State Law including Professor Stephen G. Barnes, Assistant Dean of Graduate and International Programs, Professor Jud Mathews, Assistant Professor, ( J.D Yale,PhD Yale).

During the first lecture, scheduled on September 5, 2016,Ms. Shefali Raizada- Additional Director, ALS Noida addressed the students followed by Ms. Mokshda Bhushan,faculty coordinator, Amity Centre of Gender Justice and Child Rights.

Professor Stephen G. Barnes informed students about various “study abroad” programmes and scholarships offered by Penn State Law. The topic of the first guest lecture was “Constitutional and administrative laws in US” and was attended by PhD and LLM students of ALSN. This was followed by a Q&A session which included many questions from the students and faculty.

During second lecture  on 6th September 2016 by Prof Jud Mathews on “Judicial Deference in American administrative law: The Chevron Revolution”, he spoke about the doctrines that govern judicial deference to agencies in U.S administrative law  post the  Chevron Vs Natural Resources Defence Council. The lecture was fascinating and attracted lots of questions from the students, mostly LLB 3 yrs and other undergraduate students.

On the 7th of September, Prof Jud Mathews talked about “The Proportionality principle in Administrative Law”. The lecture entailed a survey of the doctrines governing judicial review of administrative discretion in the United States, in which he highlighted three distinguishing features of the American approach. First, that the American judicial review is characterized by a high degree of unpredictability, not only with respect to outcomes, but often with respect towhat framework of review is applicable. Second, while classical proportionality review is designed to detect and correct a particular kind of administrative failure — an overreach, in which the government uses measures that are excessive in relation to the ends they are designed to achieve — the American approach is more symmetrical, in that the agency bears the same burden of justification whether it is claimed that its actions go too far or not far enough. Third, he reviewed that the courts in American administrative law tend to “proceduralize” substantive review, focusing more on the agency’s failures to thoroughly ventilate the relevant issues than the merits of the agency’s conclusions, with consequences both for the burdens agencies face before reviewing courts and for the ultimate ability of agencies to realize favoured policy options.

Professor Mathews was honoured with a signed copy of the Indian Constitution given by Ms. Shailja Khosla,Constitutional law faculty ALSN.

The lecture concluded with vote of thanks by the student co-convenor of Amity Centre for Gender Justice, Taahaa Khan