
15 Aug 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Students and Faculty members of Amity celebrate 70th Independence Day with zeal and enthusiam

The70th Independence Day was celebrated in Amity University Campus,Sector-125, Noida with great fervor, enthusiasm and feelings of patriotism andselfless love for the country.

Theproud occasion was graced by Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, AmityUniverse, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan- Chairperson, Amity International Schools,Mr. Anand Chauhan – Trustee RBEF and Mr. Ajay Chauhan- Trustee, RBEF.

Hundredsof Heads of Institutions, Directors, Faculty members and students thronged theSports Ground to proudly celebrate Independence Day, some of whom wereaccompanied by their family members. Their tricolor clothes and accessoriespresented the beautiful spirit of Independence Day celebrations.

Dr.Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Universe, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan-Chairperson, Amity International Schools hoisted theNational Flag which was followed by singing of National Anthem.

Wishinghappy Independence Day to Amity fraternity, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President,Amity Universe commended all the present members  for remembering andgiving due respect to the importance accorded to Independence Day. He stressedthat it is very important to know our roots and remain close to them. Heremarked that after struggling for so many years, the great freedom fighterswon the freedom of our country; therefore, it is the responsibility of thestudents and youth of the country to take the country forward with theirsincere efforts and dedication to the country. He congratulated students fortheir brilliant performances which beautifully brought out their love anddedication to the country.

Dr.(Mrs.) B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity Universitysaid that it is a great day for the nation which reminds one of the greatmartyrs and forefathers who kept country before their own selves and laid downtheir lives to give free India to coming generations. She called upon the youngbrigade of India to take the reins in their hands with the responsibility tobecome honest and sincere citizens of the country and make India a place whichwas envisioned by the freedom fighters and our forefathers.

Thechildren (of Staff and Faculty members), students and faculty members who werebest dressed in tricolor were given special Prizes by the Vice Chancellor ofthe University.

Duringthe occasion, students presented colorful cultural programmes. Patriotic songsand dances reverberated in the premises of Amity University, upholding thegreat spirit of courage and patriotism. The celebrations concluded with thesong “Vande Matram”, which was unanimously and loudly sung by each andeveryone.