
20 Jun 2016|Noida | F3 Seminar Hall

First Amity Summer School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Training and Workshop commences at Amity University

To impart fundamental knowledge of Computational Fluid Dynamics to students, Department of Mechanical (Amity School of Engineering and Technology) commenced with the “First Amity Summer School on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Training and Workshop” at University Campus, Noida.


The aim of the Amity Summer School is to provide a platform to students for understanding CFD with well planned tutorials of commercial software ANSYS and Tec-Plot by industry experts and academicians. The participants will also be given training towards research and publishing of research papers.


More than 130 students of B.Tech/B.E; M.Tech/M.E and Ph. D. Research scholars of different domains of engineering including Mechanical, Civil, Aerospace, Automobile and Biotech from various colleges and Universities across India participated in the Amity Summer School.


Addressing the participants, Dr.PMV Subbarao, Professor, IIT Delhi said today, there are a lot of analysis projects that are getting outsourced to India that inculcated the realization of need to train aspiring engineers in filed of CFD. He emphasized that since CFD projects are an extrapolation of advanced mathematics, if the students are guided in the right way, CFD boom could be the next IT boom for India.


Briefing about Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Dr. Basant Singh Sikarwar, Associate Professor,Mechanical Department (Amity School of Engineering and Technology) said that CFD as subject academically and practically has been gaining momentum across the globe and it is applied in various domains including Automobile,Aerospace, Bio-Medical, Civil, Marine, Sports etc. Although, in India it is still at infantry stage as the subject is not even included at Undergraduate level academia. He emphasized that the CFD has various advantages in solving real world problems such as design of skyscrapers, analysis of a volcano burst and study of blood flow in humans. Dr. Basant opined that CFD is an untapped area where India can deepen its roots for systematic scientific development.


Addressing the gathering, Dr.W Selvamurthy, President - Amity Science Technology and Innovation Foundation said that in recent years, there has been growing interest by various engineering companies to perform design simulation studies at different stages of product development to compete in the market. He stressed that the growing demand has resulted in increased requirement of skilled CFD engineers, making it a good career opportunity in domain of heat transfer and fluid flows. He mentioned that the formulated curriculum for summer school will help the participants to learn and execute each stage of CFD for their projects,researches and careers.


During the plenary session, Dr. Subbarao briefed the participants on topic “Deeper Learning of Thermal Engineering through Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat transfer”.


During the two week Summer School, eminent speakers including industry experts, researchers and academicians will present lectures on various topics including Fluid Dynamics Module by Dr. Yash Agarwal- Simpleware; Introduction to Finite Volume Method by Dr Krishna M Singh, IIT Roorkee; Numerical Heat Transfer by Dr. K RAhirwal, MANIT, Bhopal; Micro Channel Flow by Dr. Balkrishna Mehta by IIT Guwahati; Advances and Current Issues in CFD by Prof. (Dr.) K Muralidhar, IIT Kharakpur, Turbulent Flow by Dr. Priya Ranjan, Amity School of Engineering and Technology and Radiation Natural Convection by Dr. Basant Singh Sikarwar amongst others.