
03 Mar 2016|Noida | F1 Seminar Hall

“India needs to create productive jobs to tied over the crisis caused by capital intensive production.” avers Dr. Rajat Khaturia, Director & CE, Indian Council for Research during Two day National Conference at Amity University

Amity School of Economics in collaboration with CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development started two day National Conference on "Sustainable Development in India:Economic Issues and Policy Initiatives" at Amity Campus, Sector 125, Noida.

The objective of the conference is to address the issue of Sustainable Development by providing a platform for the professionals, researchers and academicians to share their intellectual expertise and research acumen with budding research scholars who will understand the intricacies of sustainable development and undertake the challenges of working on this paradigm.

The two day conference will focus on certain key areas, such as  Agriculture& Allied Sectors, Industry, Innovative Trade Practices & Policy initiatives, Inclusive GrowthTertiary Sector,Innovative Management Practices for Sustainable Development and Environment & Renewable Energy. The conference witnessed the submission of 150 abstracts across nation.

The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Tamil Selven, Additional Agriculture  Commissioner,Govt. of India; Dr. Rajat Khaturia, Director & CE, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations; Dr. Deepak Juneja, Director,Sustainability Events Information & Outreach CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development; Prof. (Dr.) Sunita Singh - Dean- Examinations and Admissions and Prof. (Dr.) Shalini Singh Sharma, Director, Amity School of Economics.


Addressing the gathering, Dr. Tamil Selven said that Sustainable Development is the need of hour which is required in each and every industry. He apprised that Agriculture is the backbone on nation but facing various problems in production sector. Despite leading with most number of crops, the productivity is low. He opined that in the sector, horizontal growth is limited but vertical growth is possible. Government has been making all efforts to implement various schemes through which there can be an increase in production and productivity.


Sharing his concern over lack of implementation for sustainable development in India, Dr. Rajat Khaturia said that the growth in resource intensive model of India is not sustainable. He emphasized that during global climate summit,Western and European nations urged India to reduce the production and use of coal by focusing on eco-friendly resources. He stressed that India needs to be more conservative and sustainable. Mr. Khaturia highlighted three key challenges including Climate Change, Inequality and Quality of Institution. He averred that In the long run, the climatic change could affect agriculture in several ways such as productivity; in terms of quantity and quality of crops etc. He further added that India’s production has become a capital intensive and there is an urgent need to create productive jobs for people by increasing manufacturing sector. He also pointed that India is a young country which is going through monumental challenges and it is the young population that would be able to guide the change.


Sharing her views,Prof. (Dr.) Shalini Singh Sharma said that development theory has come a long way over the last century. She mentioned that Sustainable Development has become the most important notion which provides a more comprehensive definition of development, linking up ecological services and quality of life with economic growth. She stressed that India is a populated country and growing population is endangering sustainable development. She expressed her hoe that the deliberations during the conference would identify specific inter-regional needs and build consensus that would help India to attain sustainable development. The scholars, researchers and academicians would suggest economic policy initiatives in regard to sustainable development for India.


The sessions commenced with Panel Discussion on “Sustainable Development in Agriculture Sector” with Prof. (Dr.) Pulin Nayak, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University chairing the session, co-chaired by Dr. Dev Kumar, (Co-chair) Former Additional Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Dr. Tamil Selven, Additional Agriculture  Commissioner, Govt. of India; Mr. Pawanexh Kohli, CE0 & Chief adviser on Cold-chain and Agri-logistics (National Centre for Cold Chain Development), Govt. of India and Prof. (Dr.) Simrat Kaur, Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University as panelists.


During the two day conference, there would be various technical sessions and paper presentations.