
01 Apr 2016|Noida |

Scientist at Amity develops Biodegradable Plastic Technology that decomposes in 60 days

Considering the effect of plastic on the environment as a major pollutant, Scientists at Amity University have developed a breakthrough biodegradable plastic which would have a great impact on the health of Global Citizens.


The revolutionary technology “Biodegradable Plastic” is invented by Dr.(Mrs.) Harsha Kharkwal- Faculty at Amity University.


Ina bid to make the technology available to people, Amity University has signed a MoU with multi-national company GXT Green Inc. as part of which the Technology behind biodegradable plastic will be transferred for commercialization at aglobal level.


The MoU was signed in the presence of Mr. Manas “Bob” Chatterjee, CEO, GXT Green; Mr. Michael C. Vanin, Chief Operating Officer, GXT Green; Dr.Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group; Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla,Vice Chancellor, Amity University Uttar Pradesh and senior officials of Amity University.


GXT Green is a Boston based company where “Economics meets ecology”.  The company has developed many replacements for plastic using photo and biodegradation technique as well as bio-remediation for waste treatment.


Sharing her views, Dr.(Mrs.) Harsha Kharkwal, innovator of technology said that the plastics are largely used around the world in many forms for their cost, functionality, durability and weight. But with fewer benefits it has many drawbacks; one of the major is causing pollution in environment. She emphasized that the main advantage of Biodegradable plastic is that the organic compounds break down easily and degrade in soil conditions within 60 days. She stressed that although biodegradable plastics have been available in market but the materials used in them are polymerized. Amity, on the other hand, has developed innovative plastic which has indigenous resources in their natural form. Dr. Kharkwal averred that it is a big solution for environmental pollution which is very economical and toxic free.


Addressing the gathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan said that Amity has always focused on working towards development of nation by innovating technology that benefits society. He highlighted that Amity has already filed 607 patents, many of which are in the process of being transferred to Industry. Dr. Chauhan averred that Amity has been working assiduously for converting frugal innovations into beneficial products through technology transfers to various Industries.


Briefing about the importance of Biodegradable plastic, Mr. Manas “Bob” Chatterjee said that the technology developed at Amity is very eco-friendly as plastic which will be produced are with renewable raw material with ability to decompose causing no harm to environment and habitants. He pointed that GXT Green develops and markets sustainable products with supporting services that cost-effectively solve the everyday environmental concerns of corporations,communities and Governments.