
14 Jan 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

Students of Amity School of Communication, Gwalior visit Amity School of Communications, noida

Amity School of MassCommunication(ASCO), Noida regularly organizes visits of mass communicationstudents from other Amity campuses to its studio and campus in order to give themexposure to world class infrastructure.

One in the series was held on January 14, 2016 when a group of thirtyone students along with five faculty members from Amity School ofCommunication, Gwalior visited ASCO NOIDA to have hands on experience and tointeract with ASCO Noida faculty members.

 Prof. Col R K Dargan, Advisor, ASCO Noida gavethe welcome speech and introduced them to the members of ASCO studio.  

Subsequently, the students were split into 6 groups of 5 each andsent to different sections of the studio assisted by their respective sectionin- charges. PCR demonstration was given by Ms. Swati, TV Studio by Mr.Amareesh, Radio by Ms. Tanushree, Edit Bays by Mr. Nitin Singh, News Room byMs. Naziya. To introduce them to photography, they were shown and briefed aboutthe Photo Studio by Mr. Harshit Walia.

All the groups were given the opportunity to see and watch theworking of studio equipment. The faculty and students of Gwalior further gavetheir feedback on their experience of visiting the studio and conveyed theirthanks for providing them the real life experience of ‘Studio’.

It was an overall enriching experience for the mass communicationstudents and faculty members from Gwalior Campus.