
23 Jan 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

Global Leadership Research Conference on “Leadership, Governance and Public Policy” at Amity Business School

Over 140 Research Papers were presented

15 Global Leadership Awards conferred upon Corporateleaders

Amity Business School organised twoday Global Leadership Research Conference on “Leadership, Governance and PublicPolicy” from January 22-23, 2016 at Amity Campus, Sector- 125, Noida to providebudding managers a platform to interact with industry leaders and to becomeabreast with the new dynamics and latest developments in the industry.

TheConference comprised of four tracks- Human Resource, Cyber Security and IT,Marketing and Finance and brought together Academicians, Industry Leaders,Researchers, Experts and Students to present their research, interact andexchange ideas. Over 140 Research Paperswere presented during the two day Conference.

 During the second day, Mr.K Hari Prakash, Vice President: Retail, Valvoline Cummins Pvt Ltd.; Mr. AnandPandey- Sr. Vice President- Brands, Future Brand, Mr. Rajiv Kental- President,Marketing, a Leading Hindi Daily; Mr. Harshad Deshpande- Director, QuestionPro, Dr. (Mrs.)Balvinder Shukla- Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Dr. Sanjeev Bansal, Dean,  Faculty of Management Studies and Director,Amity Business School shared their distinguished views during the inauguralsession.

 During the session, Transport and Logistics Leaders were felicitated with GlobalLeadership Awards for their unparallel contribution to their sector andservice to the country. The proudrecipients of the Award included Mr. Tushar Jani- Chairman, SCA Group; CaptainSanjeev Rishi- Worlds Window Group; Mr.Samir Shah, Partner, JBS Group of Companies; Mr. Sanjiv Edward, Head ofCargo Business at Delhi International Airport and Mr. Subhash Goyal- FounderChairman, STIC Travel Group of Companies.

Welcomingthe distinguished gathering, Dr.Sanjeev Bansal, Dean Faculty of Management Studies and Director Amity BusinessSchool expressed his gratitude to the Corporate Leaders,Researchers and Academicians for their participation in Global Leadership Research Conference and stressed that the discussions and deliberations will be immenselyfruitful and enriching for the participants. He outlined that education inIndia has undergone a sea change over the years and now, the education systemhas become outcome based , focusing on constant knowledge creation anddissemination which, he remarked, can be achieved through Research Conferencesand Summits wherein  students learn fromthe experiences of trendsetters in the Industry.

Delivering the key noteaddress on “Marketing lessons from Emerging Economies”, Mr. K Hari Prakash, Vice President: Retail,Valvoline Cummins Pvt Ltd said that Emerging Economies have become synonymouswith Knowledge Economies. The new concept that has emerged is “EAGLEs (Emerging and Growth LeadingEconomies)” which includes Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia andTurkey. He stressed that the expected incremental GDP in the next 10 years ofEAGLEs would be larger than the average of the G7 economies excluding the US.He averred that India and Indonesia are holding the fort in EAGLEs because oftheir young population and they are engaging their youth in all marketingrelated initiatives. He shared that the top 5 beauty Brands of the world arefrom US and Europe, which shows that these two giants are leading in aestheticswhereas the Top 5 Electronic Companies in the world are from Asia such asSamsung, LG and Sony, bringing forth the technological prowess of thesecountries. “Emerging Economies are just not consumers of mass products but alsoof niche products such as Rolex and BMWs and it is very important for  International brands to understand that Brandpersonalities go with emotions in Emerging Economies and they have to weavetheir marketing messages and advertisements around emotions to be successful inemerging economies. “stressed Mr. Hari Prakash.

Mr.Anand Pandey- Sr. Vice President- Brands, Future Brand highlighted the transformation witnessed by market placesespecially “Brick and Mortar Stores” in the wake of E- Commerce which hascompressed physical stores into Apps, accessible anytime and anywhere, givingan opportunity to a local store/brand to compete with International ones at oneplatform. He stressed that the socio-cultural realities are undergoingfundamental changes in India; within families people are leading individualizedlives with individual likes and dislikes. These changes, he remarked, have ledto new brands and new marketing strategies catering to the new consumer cultureand consumption pattern. He opined that a lot of experimentation is happeningin the present times and people are betting on new ideas, which is veryopportune for entrepreneurs. He called upon the budding managers to be part ofthe dynamic profession and experiment and learn new things.

Sharing her views, Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla- ViceChancellor, Amity University said that Leadership starts at home andeducational Institutions. She stressed that it is very important thatEducational Institutions nurture students to have good values, employabilityskills, ethical behavior, altruistic traits so that, later on, they can addvalue to the society, Taking about the imperatives of good research, shesuggested that any new research should solve the problems existing in Society/Industry since there is lot of time and resources invested in everyresearch  and printing that work inleading research journals should not be the end all of the research works. Shecalled upon the Industry to share their problems with academia as researchprojects so that academia can make valuable contribution to the industry andboth of them can work together for mutually benefitting association.

Mr. Rajiv Kental- President, Marketing, a Leading Hindi Daily highlighted the role of a Marketer in the present times and theresponsibilities he is expected to discharge towards consumers and customers.With the rise of Social media and proliferation of IT in personal andprofessional lives, he stressed that, it has become imperative for a Marketerto be transparent, honest, be aware about online Marketing trends andpredictions, constantly follow up on promises made and engage in multi- channelmarketing from single channel marketing. He advised budding marketers to givemore importance to building credibility than profitability, which will automaticallycome with customer satisfaction.

During the day, various Technical sessions in the area of HumanResource, Marketing, Finance and Transportation and Logistics were conducted such as “Role of ICTsin the development of Indian Rural Market, Marketing in Africa- Tracing theParadigm Shift, Evolution of Loyalty offers in the Digital world, “HigherEducation in India”, “Driving Organizational change”, “Towards theconceptualization of Market Oriented Strategic Flexibility” and others.

Apanel discussion on “Transport and Logistics” was organised in association withAsia Aviation Associates for the students of Transport andLogistics Programme wherein industryexperts including Mr. Tushar Jani- Chairman, SCA Group; Captain Sanjeev Rishi- WorldsWindow Group; Mr. Samir Shah,Partner, JBS Group of Companies; Mr. Sanjiv Edward, Head of Cargo Business at Delhi InternationalAirport and Mr. Subhash Goyal- Founder Chairman, STIC Travel Group of Companies

During the first day, IT and Cyber Security Track was inauguratedby Mr. Anupam Gupt- DDG, Ministry of Telecom, Government of India.

Industry veterans were felicitated with Global Leadership Awardsfor the remarkable contribution to their respective industry including Ms.Veena Swarup-Director, HR, Engineers India Ltd, Mr. Anil Khanna- Managing Director, Blue Dart Express Ltd, mr. SanjayaGupta- Managing Director, PNB Housing Finance Limited, Ms. Shikha Sharma- CEO,Axis Bank Limited and others