
15 Jan 2016|Noida | Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida

“CONFLUENCE of world renowned Scientists, Researchers, Academicians and Corporate Leaders concludes at Amity”

Participation from Cambridge University, UK; University ofNottingham, UK; University of Massachusetts, USA; Purdue University, USA;Stanford University, USA;  Cornell University, USA


6 MoUs signed with University of Massachusetts, USA; MemorialUniversity of Newfoundland, Canada; Sunway University, Malaysia; Asia PacificUniversity, Malaysia; Penza State University, Russian Federation and Intel


Two day CONFLUENCE-2016: GlobalTechnology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit themed on “Cloud Systemand Big Data Engineering” concluded today at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noidawith humungous participation of Academicians and Corporate leaders from worldrenowned Institutions and Organizations such as Cambridge University, UK;University of Nottingham, UK; University of Massachusetts, USA; PurdueUniversity, USA; Stanford University, USA;  Cornell University, USA; AsiaPacific University, Malaysia; University of Cape Town, South Africa; Universityof Technology, Sydney, Australia; Istanbul University, Turkey; IntelCorporation, USA and others.


Amity conferred Industry and Academic Excellence Awards upon Mr. Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi, Head Microsoft Innovation,India; Dr. Neeta Verma, Deputy Director General , National Informatics Centre,Ms. Renuka Jain Gupta, CCI Advisor (Financial Analysis), Competition Commissionof India, Mr. Keshav Bansal, Executive Director, Intex , Mr. Indranil Das, VicePresident- Asian Business, Arginos Inc, Mr. Harshdeep Singh, Vice-President,Corporate & Institutional, Data Wind, Mr. Vinod Murthy, Director, Ernst andYoung, Dr. Nabajyoti Choudhury, Additional Director, Fortis Memorial ResearchInstitute, Mr. Sunil Sardana, Vice President-Offshore, Punj Llyod, Mr. DevinderPrashar, General Manager, EPSA Group, Mr. Sumit Rao, Sr. Director, Engineering,Cerner, Prof. (Dr.) David Gries, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, USAand Prof. (Dr.) Paul Gries, Acting Vice Dean , University of Toronto, Canada

During the Summit, Amity University signed 6 MoUs withUniversity of Massachusetts, USA; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada;Sunway University, Malaysia; Asia Pacific University, Malaysia; Penza StateUniversity, Russian Federation and Intel Corporation tofacilitate and enrich educational ties between the Institutions and benefitfrom inter disciplinary research.

Dr. Michael A. Smith, Visual Computing Architect and AcademicProgram Director, Intel Corporation, USA; Prof. (Dr.) David Gries, ProfessorEmeritus, Cornell University, USA; Prof. (Dr.) Graham Kendall, Vice-Provost(Research and Knowledge Transfer) University of Nottingham, UK and Malaysia;Prof. (Dr.) Paul Gries, Acting Vice Dean, University of Toronto, Canada; Prof.(Dr.) Jean- Paul Van Belle- Director, Centre for IT and National Development inAfrica, University of Cape Town, South Africa were conferred Honorary Professorships by Dr. Ashok K Chauhan atAmity School of Engineering and Technology.

The valediction of the Summit was graced by Prof. (Dr.) SupriyaChakrabarti- Associate Dean, University of Massachusetts, USA; Prof. (Dr.) AjayGupta- Graduate Program Director, Wireless Sensornets Lab, Western MichiganUniversity, USA; Prof. (Dr.)R Logeswaran- Dean, Asia Pacific University,Malaysia; Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity; Dr. B Shukla- ViceChancellor, Amity University and Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal- Head, Department ofComputer Science & Engineering, Amity School of Engineering &Technology.

Addressing the distinguished gathering, Dr. Ashok KChauhan- Founder President, Amity expressed his delight over the MoUs andInternational alliances which were initiated during two day Confluence 2016. Heshared that as part of the MoU signed with Intel, Intel and Amity will co-develop a state of the art Hi Computing Laboratory at Amity which willbenefit the students immensely. He also announced fellowships for “Synergyof Brains Mission” and invited the speakers and delegates to come togetheron one platform for collaborative research and development. Dr. Chauhanalso announced the launch of “Centre of Cloud Computing, Data Science andEngineering” which will act as a platform for scholars and researchersworldwide to discuss and deliberate upon recent trends and issues in the areaof Cloud Computing and Data Science.

Expressing his views, Prof. (Dr.)R Logeswaran- Dean, AsiaPacific University, Malaysia appreciated Amity for its state of the artfacilities and cutting edge infrastructure and urged the students to utilizethe facilities to the best which could lead them to places. He shared that theMoU that his University has signed with Amity during Confluence 2016 willinvolve lot of interactions between both the Institutions especially onresearch side, which will mutually benefit both the Institutions and respectivecountries as well.

Prof. (Dr.) Supriya Chakrabarti- Associate Dean, University of Massachusetts,USA expressedhis delight in being part of “Confluence 2016” and stressed that the MoU thathas been signed between University of Massachusetts, USA and Amity will harnessthe boundless energy evinced by students and faculty of Amity. He expressed hisdesire to utilize the resources of both the Institutions in the best possibleway for societal benefit. He thanked Amity University for providing him anopportunity to re-connect with his passion about Cloud Computing and Big Datathrough Confluence 2016.

Prof.(Dr.) Jean- Paul Van Belle- Director, Centre for IT and National Development inAfrica, University of Cape Town, South Africa appreciated “Confluence2016” and called it an apt platform and congregation of all the stakeholders-Industry, Students, Academia under one platform. He stressed that it is veryimportant in current times for all the stakeholders of education sector to cometogether and bridge the widening chasm between Industry and Academia.