
14 Jan 2016-15 Jan 2016|Noida | Amity Campus Sector- 125 Noida

“CONFLUENCE of Scientists, Researchers, Academicians and Corporate Leaders at Amity”

Department of ComputerScience & Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET)started two day CONFLUENCE-2016: Global Technology,Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit themed on “Cloud System and Big DataEngineering” at Amity Campus, Sector-125, Noida.

The Two day Summit was organised in associationwith EMC Corporation, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA,Purdue University, Calumet, USA, University of Florida, USA, University of CapeTown, South Africa, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, QueenUniversity Belfast, UK.

During the Summit, over 146 Research Paperswere presented out of which 26 were presented by International Delegates fromworld renowned Universities including Cambridge University, UK;University of Nottingham, UK; University of Massachusetts, USA; PurdueUniversity, USA; Stanford University, USA;  Cornell University, USA; AsiaPacific University, Malaysia; University of Cape Town, South Africa; Universityof Technology, Sydney, Australia; Istanbul University, Turkey; IntelCorporation, USA and others.

Dr. Michael A. Smith,Visual Computing Architect and Academic Program Director, Intel Corporation,USA; Prof. (Dr.) David Gries, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, USA;Prof. (Dr.) Graham Kendall, Vice-Provost (Research and Knowledge Transfer)University of Nottingham, UK and Malaysia; Prof. (Dr.) Paul Gries, Acting ViceDean, University of Toronto, Canada; Prof. (Dr.) Ing Sian Lun Lau, AssociateDean/ Head (Academic), Sunway University, Malaysia, Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Murthy,Executive Director, CDAC, India, Dr. B Shukla- Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity, Prof. (Dr.) Abhay Bansal- Head,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amity School of Engineering& Technology and Prof. (Dr.) K.M. Soni, Deputy Dean, Amity University UttarPradesh inaugurated the Summit.

Welcoming the distinguished gathering, Prof.(Dr.)Abhay Bansal said that 6th  International Confluence focuses on“Cloud System and Big Data Engineering” and will act as a platform to discussand deliberate upon trends and issues related to Cloud System and Big DataEngineering by industry experts and academicians. Talking about the industry,Prof. Bansal asserted that the global Cloud Computing market is constantlyexpanding and is likely to surpass $ 200million by 2018, generating huge jobopportunities for the young technocrats. He called upon the students to makethe most out of their interactions with the Corporate leaders and worldrenowned Academicians, which will give them a deeper insight into theIndustry. 

Prof. (Dr.) B. K. Murthy,Executive Director, CDAC, India, while addressing thegathering, stated that during last three years, Indian IT Talenthas made its mark on the globe and every IT related product has an Indianbehind it. He asserted that ICT Technology is helping the developing countriesto become developed and the time has come when developed countries shouldfacilitate the proliferation of ICT technology to developing countries in orderto make them developed. He expressed that a lot has been done in India andstill, a lot needs to be done. “India has to focus on product development andadopting newer technologies to lead the world”, he suggested.

Sharing his views, Dr. Michael A.Smith, Visual Computing Architect and Academic Program Director, IntelCorporation, USA expressed his delight over attending the congregation ofbrilliant minds- Confluence 2016. Talking about “Image Science” whichis his own area of interest, he highlighted that ImageScience is all pervasive and is extensively used in Telecommunications,Agriculture, Academia, Health and also in Big Data and Cloud Computing. Heexpressed his desire to explore the possibilities of potential research in thearea of Image Science, Big Data and Cloud Computing with Amity to bring out thesynergic outcome, which will be mutually benefitting for both the countries.

Prof. (Dr.) Paul Gries,Acting Vice Dean, University of Toronto, Canada assertedthat Computer Science is an Art as much as a Science and it needs practice forimprovement. It is a challenging field which requires sound knowledge ofmathematics and mastering the same will make practitioners the real artists. Heexhorted the students to practice each and every topic which will make thembetter Computer Science Artists. 

Addressing the young technocrats andstudents, Prof. (Dr.) David Gries, Professor Emeritus, CornellUniversity, USA said that it is a wonderful time to be inthe field of Computer Science which is expanding world wide with newerapplications and products coming into market at a rapid pace. He commendedAmity for all the breakthrough R&D being carried out and the scientifictemperament it kindles in the students, thereby making them future ready.

 Delivering key note address on“Developing Next- Gen of Innovators”, Prof. (Dr.) Lueny Morell,Principal of Lueny Morell & Associates and Director of InnovaHiED,Co-founder of NEU, USA highlighted the key role Universities have toplay in developing next generation of innovators. She stressed thatUniversities have to become pro-active and constantly develop their curriculumto update it as per industry requirements. “Universities should make Innovationand Entrepreneurship their signature feature, develop a culture of Innovation,focus on outcome base education, student centric curriculum and promote activelearning.” suggested Prof. Morell

She remarked that today’s world is connectedwhich promotes innovation across all sectors of human endeavors and the shareof developing countries in collaborative research has been increasing over theyears. Countries seem to have understood that whatever their level ofdevelopment, they should practice R&D based development through developinghuman resources, R&D Policies and CIT Infrastructure. “Our futurecompetitiveness depends upon skilled force of Innovators and Engineers who arelocally relevant and globally competent. Universities have to nurture studentswho are motivated to do new things rather than just equipped with Degrees.Scientists study the world as it is; Engineers create the world that has neverbeen”, opined Prof. Morell.

During the Summit, Amity University signed6 MoUs with University of Massachusetts, USA; Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada; Sunway University, Malaysia;Asia Pacific University, Malaysia; Penza State University, RussianFederation and Intel Corporation to facilitate and enricheducational ties between the Institutions and benefit from inter disciplinaryresearch.