
08 Jan 2016|Noida |

5th Amity International Model United Nations 2016 (AMIMUN 2016) commences with participation of 300 students from India and abroad

5th Amity International Model United Nations 2016 (AMIMUN 2016) commenced in Amity University, Sector-125, Noida with over 300 student delegates participating from 60 Institutions and Colleges across India and 6 Countries including Scotland, Belgium, Afghanistan, France, Togo and South Korea. The theme of this year’s AMIMUN is “Putting Humanity before Mankind”


The Delegates, acting as Diplomats of various countries, will simulate the proceedings of seven Committees of UN including General Assembly I –Disarmament and International Security Committee, General Assembly II –Economic and Financial Committee, General Assembly III - The Social,Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee,  United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees, The African Union Peace and Security Council (AU-PSC),Organization of Islamic Cooperation and United Nations Security Council,discussing and debating upon vital issues of global concern such as “Role of Private Military and Security Agencies”, “Enabling access to equal rights for all by ending discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity”, “Representation of Muslims in public discourse and its impact on public policy”, “Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo” and others.


H.E.Mr. Jorge Cardenas, Ambassador of Bolivia to India, H.E Mr. Jose Betan court,Ambassador of Peru to India, Dr.  Suresh Goel, Former Director General,Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICMR), Mr. Abdul Haq Azad- Third Secretary, Embassy of Afghanistan in India,Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Mr. R.M. Aggarwal, IFS(Retd.) , Additional Center for International Cooperation and Alliances, RBEF and Dr. Alpana Kakkar , Dy. Dean Students’ Welfare ,Chairperson  AMIMUN’16 inaugurated the three day Conference.

Addressing the gathering, Prof. (Dr.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh (AUUP) said that AMIMUN provides a valuable platform to students to act as Diplomats and discuss and debate upon the issues of global concern. She stressed that in today’s era, the entire globe has become a family and what happens in one part of the world affects other,therefore, it has become very important for youth to think and act beyond the geographical boundaries. She called upon the students to make most of their interaction with the distinguished Diplomats and luminaries during three day AMIMUN 2016.


Commending the theme of the Conference, H.E. Mr. Jorge Cardenas- Ambassador of Bolivia to India said that it is very important to keep humanity before mankind. He stressed that the world is changing and everybody is looking forward to live in a world with equal opportunities, which is possible only when Society is made part of Government, welfare policies and benefits seep down to the bottom of the society, people have peace within and without and they live in harmony with Mother Nature. H.E. Mr. Jorge Cardenas outlined the recent developments in Bolivia and various progressive policies and plans adopted by the Government of Bolivia during the year 2016-2020.


H.EMr. Jose Betancourt, Ambassador of Peru to India, duringhis motivational address to the students, advised them to practice solidarity,care for others, think rationally, act clearly, take risks and go beyond limits to learn new things. He stressed that today’s world is tough and learning from machines alone such as Computer, Cell phones will not suffice; students have to learn from books and convert the information gained into knowledge, otherwise gaining information is futile. Encouraging young students, he stressed that they can reach any heights, provided they increase their curiosity to learn new things and realize the power of knowledge.


Mr.Man Hee Lee, Chairman, Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL), South Korea and Ms. Nam Hee Kim, Chairwoman,International Women's Peace Group (IWPG), South Korea, during their video address, disseminated the message of International Peace by cessation of wars and International Armed Conflicts in order to leave a legacy of world peace for future generations.


H.E.Mr. Shaida Mohammad Abdali, Ambassador of Afghanistan to India, during his video address, applauded the student delegates for their motivation and determination to discuss and resolve global issues, which continue to alarm humanity and need to be dealt with sternness and conviction.He called students world ready, future leaders and wished them luck and active participation during three day event.


During the inaugural ceremony, distinguished guests handed over the gavels to Executive board members. Pritika Kohli- Secretary General, AMIMUN 2016 declared the Conference open.


During the occasion, AMIMUN team made a contribution of Rs. 50, 000 towards ATULASHA-a philanthropic project of Amity wherein hundreds of underprivileged boys are provided free education, books, uniform and meals, as part of the effort to provide them a better future.


One of the student delegates, Gurkirat S Johar from Manipal University, Jaipur who is representing Netherlands in DISEC- Role of Private Military and Security Agencies (PMSC) expressed his delight over participating in AMIMUN which, he stressed, has provided him an opportunity to express his opinion and contribute towards world peace. He expressed that the use of PMSCs has widely increased over the last two decades in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan,Pakistan and Latin America and he firmly believes in regulating the increasing use of private armies around the world and bringing amendments to existing legislation keeping in mind the increasing spread of PMSCs.