
29 Dec 2015|Noida | I2 Moot Court

Marking the Diamond Jubilee, 60th DAE- BRNS Solid State Physics Symposium organized at at Amity University

Under theaegis of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) – BRNS (The Board of Research inNuclear Sciences) and in collaboration with Amity University “60thDAE- BRNS Solid State Physics Symposium” organized at University Campus,Sector-125, Noida.


The aim ofsymposium was to provide a forum for productive interaction amongst scientists,engineers and researchers engaged in several important and emerging areas ofsolid state physics and condensed matter.


The symposiumwas inaugurated by Dr. S K Sikka- Former Scientific Secretary to thePrincipal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India; Dr. S M. Sharma-Director, Physics Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC); Dr. Ashok KChauhan- Founder President, Amity Group; Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity UniversityUttar Pradesh and Dr. (Prof.) Balvinder Shukla, Vice Chancellor, AmityUniversity Uttar Pradesh.


CongratulatingSolid State Physics Symposium for its diamond jubilee, Dr. S K Sikka- FormerScientific Secretary to the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government ofIndia said that over the years, symposium series has established itsimmense value in fostering the domain of solid-state physics and condensedmatter sciences. He further added that during the symposium, the currentdevelopments in respective domains will be discussed in extensively which willaid the young scientists and researchers to keep abreast with latest knowledgeon the same. Dr. Sikka presented a brief insight about various technologiesincluding Neutron Beam Instrumentation around Dhruva Reactor, Cyclotrons, FreeElectron Lasers, Macro Nuclear Beam line and Indus 2. Enlightening aboutSupercomputing, he said that before the invention of supercomputing, the earlytechnology made number crunching a difficult task. He mentioned that with newage technology, Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computationalscience and are used for a wide range of computationally intensivetasks in various fields. During his speech, Dr. Sikka advised the youngresearchers to focus on indigenous nation based research for better developmentof society rather than opting for fashionable research. He further suggestedrenaming the symposium to Condensed Matter and Material Physics Symposium incoming years.


Sharing hisviews, Dr. S M. Sharma- Director, Physics Group, Bhabha Atomic ResearchCentre said, “It is an immense pleasure to be part of Diamond Jubileecelebration of DAE- BRNS Solid State Physics Symposium which started in year1957.” He mentioned that many Nobel Prizes and path breaking scientific leadshave emerged from Solid State physics which resulted in exponential growth ofcondensed matter physics over the domain of general physics. During thesymposium, Dr Sharma gave a lecture on topic “Condensed Matter Phenomena underHigh Pressure: some insights”. He said that the use of pressure as athermodynamic variable for studying condensed matter has become very importantin recent years. He pointed that in the High Pressure Physics Division, theresearchers have been pursuing research on materials under pressures, bothstatic and shock pressures. During his lecture, Dr. Sharma highlighted variousdevelopments and methodologies adapted to facilitate extensive high pressureinvestigations and some of the consequent insights obtained.


Addressing thegathering, Dr. Ashok K Chauhan- Founder President, Amity Group laudedDAE- BRNS Solid State Physics Symposium for completing glorious 60 years. Hestressed that Amity is known as a research and innovation driven Universitywhich is reflected in filing of 680 patents over the years. He emphasized thatit is a matter of pride for Amity to host Diamond Jubilee Celebration ofknowledge rich symposium. He averred that the deliberations by distinguishedscientists, researchers and young brains during symposium paves way for longterm sustainable, path-breaking research and innovations. He expressed his hopethat the symposium will be of immense importance in motivating and inspiringresearchers and scientists for taking up research in challenging areas of SolidState Physics and Condense Material Sciences.


During theInaugural Ceremony, Abstract Souvenir was also released by the delegates.


The Scientificdeliberations during five day Symposium covered a wide range of topics incondensed matter Physics in the form of invited Talks, Seminars andContributory Paper Presentations. Deliberation on various topics included “AppliedMaterials, Thin Films/Polymers, Solid State for Energy Sources, Ion BeamProcessing/ Accelerator based Solid State Physics, Topological Insulator andNano- Magnetics, Carbon Based Materials, Nano and Novel Materials, Photonicsand Meta Materials” and many others.


More than 1200 Scientists,Researchers and students from prestigious Institutions across India andabroad  including Bhabha Atomic Research Centres located in Mumbai, Indoreand Srinagar,  IIT Mumbai and Delhi, IISC- Bangalore, Indira Gandhi Centerfor Atomic Research- Kalpakkam, Jadavpur University- Kolkatta, BarkatullahUniversity- Bhopal, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; Universite Parissud Orsay- France, University of Michigan- USA,  Shizuoka University andNagoya Institute of Technology- Japan and others participated in the Symposium,making it a melting pot of the best brains of the world.