
18 Sep 2015|Noida | F2 Auditorium

“Amity 4 Digital India Launch Week” concluded at Amity

With a purpose to commence a new digital era in sync with “Digital India” – an initiative by Prime Minister of India, Amity University organized “Amity 4 Digital India Launch Week” on the theme “Abate Digital Divide” in University Campus, Sector- 125, Noida.

The programme concluded with a valediction ceremony attended by Mr. Ashwani Kumar Sharma, MD, National Institute of Electronics & IT,Dept. of Electronics & IT, Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India; Mr. Abhishek Ranjan, CTO, Common Service Centre, Dept. of Electronics& IT, Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India; Prof. (Dr.) M.P.Gupta, Chair Information systems, Dept. of Management Studies, IIT Delhi; Ms. Renu Budhiraja, Sr. Director, Dept. of Electronics & IT, Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India; and Prof. (Dr.) K. M Soni, Dy. Dean(Engg. & Tech.), Amity University Uttar Pradesh.

Sharing her views on Digital India, Ms. Renu Budhiraja said that young people are very conversant with the technology and are capable to bring the change towards digital empowerment. She highlighted that the projects included under the Digital India Programme aim to ensure that government services are available to citizens electronically and people get benefit of the latest information and communication technology.Enlightening the participants on Digital Lockers, Ms. Budhiraja said that Digital Lockers are one of the core initiatives in sync with Digital India which offer a simplified deliverables to the citizens. Elaborating further, she said “The current challenges faced by people while applying in government agencies for passport or jobs are related to, submission of multiple copies,sharing of physical forms and verifying authenticity. Digital Lockers provide a dedicated personal storage space in the cloud to citizens, linked to citizens Aadhaar number.” She emphasized that the system enables digital empowerment of residents by providing them locker on cloud and also enabling e-signature to ensure the authenticity of the e-documents. She mentioned that Digital Locker systems ensure privacy and authorized access to residents’ data. Ms. Bushiraja invited Amity to be a part of the Digital Locker System to keep the documents, Certificates and Degrees of students in their respective lockers.

Briefing the participants on e-governance, Mr.Ashwani Kumar Sharma said “e-governance gives Citizens the choice of accessing government information and services anytime anywhere.” He elaborated that incoming time, Information Technology is going to dominate therefore SMART governance will be the need of the hour. He outlined that it is important to teach Digital Literacy to every citizen to make the most in the present and future. Mr. Sharma apprised the participants that processing engineering is the future for Digital India and students should focus on it as a career option.

Addressing the gathering Prof. (Dr.) K. M Soni said that Digital India is a flagship programme of Government of India which aims to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. He averred that India is on a path to be completely digitized where High-speed Digital Highways unite the Nation. She further elaborated technology is there to ensure that the citizen- government interface is without any disturbance but it is the responsibility of the government and all the citizens as well to cooperate for smooth functioning. “There is a need for people to transform themselves from old teaching methods to new digitized methodologies so as to make the changes more efficient and effective.” opines Dr. Soni.

Dr. Alpana Kakkar, Dy. Dean Students’ Welfare, Amity University proposed the vote of thanks.

During the ceremony, a pledge was taken by the participants to empower Nation by Participating in Digital Literacy.

“Amity 4 Digital India Launch Week” was to mark the beginning of “Digital India”related activities and events by the students in Amity University throughout the year.

The event was attended by more than 200 students, faculty and staff members.